- daehwan .

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general —
full name: oh daehwan.
preferred name: daehwan.
sign off: “ Daehwan ”
age: 23 years old.
gender: male.
pronouns: he / him.

personality —
daehwan is a person who keeps to himself a lot of the time. he's pretty quiet, asocial and can come off as rude a lot of the time. it is unintentional since daehwan's pretty tone deaf so he doesn't know how bad his attitude and tone of voice can come across and doesn't understand how people could be upset or annoyed at his bluntness. he is very guarded and tough. he only ever confides or speaks to his sister. he's very organised and loves his spaces to be clean and untouched.
likes being organised, being with daeun and hanging out with her, the two are inseparable. likes taking areum out on little days out since he likes to have uncle niece time with her. he does really like children and hopes to have some of his own in the future.
dislikes thinking about his parents, the persecutors, riding cars.

system —
alter role: internal protector.
alter type: anp.
species: human.
fronting activity: low.

relations —
relationship status: single. monogamous.
partner/s: n/a.
family: daeun (sister) , areum (niece)

interactions —
safe to interact? yes.
ask to front? only partner system.

faceclaim —

extra —
daehwan is very sensitive when it comes to the past and how terrible it was to see what he saw. he was left with injuries too but they weren't as threatening as daeun's. always tries his best to help daeun with her memory and always tries his best to cheer her up when she feels down.

 always tries his best to help daeun with her memory and always tries his best to cheer her up when she feels down

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