- daniel .

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general —
full name: daniel meyer.
preferred name: daniel.
sign off: “ Daniel ”
age: 25 years old.
gender: male.
pronouns: he / him.

personality —
closed off, distant, quiet, unstable, secretive, protective, asocial, awkward. incredibly observant, secretive. finds it hard to open up or even talk and will close his mouth around you. very bad when it comes to comforting will only as much as pat your back and offer you a cigarette or offer affection if you're close to him. family man, loves his family a lot.
providing for his family, his family content and safe, working, sausages, vodka, smoking. likes to keep himself busy and distracted with as many things as possible.
doesn't like being forced to be someone he isn't, physical touch since he gets pretty triggered over it.

system —
alter role: internal protector, symptom holder.
alter type: ep.
species: human.
fronting activity: low.

relations —
relationship status: single. not looking (?)
partner/s: n/a.
family: parents from his pseudomemories. gianna, fredek, sarah, mikolaj (siblings)

interactions —
safe to interact? yes, but partner system can only interact with him.
ask to front? only partner system.

faceclaim —

extra —
daniel has had a pretty tough time, being a symptom holder of ed, an addiction holder and dealing with the trauma he faced on the outer world, he struggles a lot. mostly struggles to act like himself because his past relationship has affected him a lot. he had terrible mental health but he is able to work around it. works for carlos in his garage and is usually away to keep himself busy since he hates being alone with his thoughts. him and his siblings aren't blood related, he pretty much took them under his wing and claimed them as his family which they were all happy about.

 him and his siblings aren't blood related, he pretty much took them under his wing and claimed them as his family which they were all happy about

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