- rose .

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general —
full name: rose li.
preferred name: rose.
sign off: “ Rose ”
age: 11 years old.
gender: female.
pronouns: she / her.

personality —
your typical sys kid; bubbly, energetic, happy. clingy towards qiang, jaehwa and jaehwa's father. pretty polite and well behaved, not one to mess around and not listen. creative, curious and pretty level headed and calm.
likes flowers, making flower crowns and chains, art and crafts, making bracelets, depending time with qiang and staying by him at all times. likes to make things and gift people things.
dislikes being away from family for too long, when her gifts and efforts to make people happy aren't appreciated.

system —
alter role: n/a.
alter type: anp.
species: human.
fronting activity: very low.

relations —
family: qiang (father)

interactions —
safe to interact? yes.
ask to front? yes.

faceclaim —

extra —

extra —n/a

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