- jaehwa .

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general —
full name: byun jaehwa.
preferred name: jaehwa.
sign off: “ Jaehwa ”
age: 23 years old.
gender: male.
pronouns: he / him.

personality —
jaehwa used to be a sweetheart. he was calm and a pure person, easy going and shy but because of the trauma he holds, he's become  a more bitter and a short tempered person. someone who's easily irritated and upset. he still holds some of his older personality traits but he does isolate himself when he's having bad days. completely shuts down and refuses to talk about things. when triggered, he becomes extremely angry and rages a lot and qiang is the only one who can calm him.
likes qiang, rose, his father, staying home, affection, looking after children, staying in the inner world.
dislolws fronting, feeling angry, the persecutors, school and education, thinking about his ex and seeing his father's health deteriorate.

system —
alter role: internal helper, caretaker in some occasions, trauma holder.
alter type: ep.
species: human.
fronting activity: low.

relations —
relationship status: engaged. monogamous.
partner/s: qiang.
family: mother from pseudomemories. father in system.

interactions —
safe to interact? yes.
ask to front? no.

faceclaim —

extra –
jaehwa holds trauma from when we were in education and also in his previous relationship. he looks after his father in the innerworld who suffers from dementia and other health problems.

 he looks after his father in the innerworld who suffers from dementia and other health problems

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