- erik .

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general —
full name: erik salvatore.
preferred name: erik.
sign off: “ Erik ”
age: 21 years old.
gender: male.
pronouns: he / him.

personality —
erik, a lot of the few mood stabilisers in the system, is someone who's pretty blunt, void of emotion and pretty level headed. he's pretty bad at communicating and socialising and is mostly used to staying on his own. much isn't known about him since he keeps to himself a lot, rarely socialises as well. he has a few bad coping mechanisms such as drinking, smoking and more to deal with his own mental health. he does feel emotionally numb a lot of the time but does have his moments where he has his breakdowns. rarely gets angry and isn't short tempered. has that done with life attitude.
he enjoys drinking, smoking, walking and roaming the woods. he enjoys spending time with people but only when they do their own things.
dislikes when the system is struggling, winter and the cold.

system —
alter role: calmer, mood stabiliser.
alter type: ep.
species: human.
fronting activity: low.

relations —
relationship status: single. monogamous.
partner/s: n/a.
family: parents from pseudomemories.

interactions —
safe to interact? yes.
ask to front? only partner system.

faceclaim —

extra —
erik would front a lot a few years ago, especially when the body's father would give us a hard time. he split specifically to help vincent in situations where the father would flip out and would keep vincent calm after confrontations. now that the father isn't as bad as he used to be, erik doesn't front as much.

 now that the father isn't as bad as he used to be, erik doesn't front as much

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