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"Yeah, that's so true..." Allison agrees with a sigh.

Sheriff looks over at the teens. "I really think you guys are giving yourself a huge lack of confidence."

"...i don't really do well in school, i mean, i'm literally failing Econ." Allison glumly says.

Sheriff then mumbles. "Yeah, i'm gonna have to have a word with Coach..."

Allison stopped walking, an upset look on her face, Sebastian frowning at the Huntress. "...allison?"

"I'm–––not fearless, i'm always terrified, i'm terri-terrified, i act like i know what i'm doing, i always act tough, but, there's just one person who knows that, a-and i don't know if Isaac's dying right now..." Allison tearfully says.

"I d-don't–––i really don't know if i made a mistake with Bree, if separating us was a mistake, and i–––i don't know if trusting Derek was the right idea, and i wonder what my dad's thinking, i don't know, i rea-really don't know anything." Allison's eyes glossed with tears.

"I know you still love her and i swear that she still loves you, it's tough forgetting about your first love, but, if she trusts Derek then maybe–––you could? Just for her sake, okay?" Sebastian took a hold onto Allison's shoulder, trying to comfort her, insisting for her not to start doubting herself.

Allison breaths out through her shaky state.

Just then a loud beeping sound was heard, Sheriff was seen looking into a screen, seeing his son sitting on a bed, waving at him with a smirk.

"Is he in your house?" Sebastian then asks, looking at the screen.


Inside the Stilinski's residence, where the group of six had met up, all were inside of Stiles' bedroom, assuming Stiles could've been there.

Argent noticing a couple of sticky notes, which caught his interest. "What is all this? What are these sticky notes for?"

"This is what Stiles used to explain about all of you." Sheriff says.

"Well, maybe–––it's a message, from Stiles–––the real Stiles." Allison suggests.

"...he's trying to break free from the monster that's holding him down?" Sabrina then whispers.

Allison then nods over to her with a smile. "Exactly..."

Derek then shrugs, interrupting them. "Aren't we all monsters at the end of the day?"

"Obviously, but, we all aren't possessed by an annoying Kitsune." Sebastian drolly says.

"Uh, Derek? Why is your name is on the King?" Sabrina then noticed, glancing over at him.

"Yeah, i think i might need an explanation." Derek mutters, glancing over at Stilinski.

Stilinski then shrugs. "Well, you're heavily guarded." Stilinski then became surprised at the pieces. "But, the alarming detail is that you're one move from being checkmate."

Argent then looks at Sabrina and Allison. "This isn't a message from Stiles, neither has he the strength to break free, it's a threat from the Nogitsune."

"...he's at the loft, that's what he have been trying to tell us, and he wants us to come there." Allison then soon realized.

"Night's falling..." Derek trails off, looking at Sheriff.

"You were right, it's a trick, we played right into his trick." Sebastian says to Sabrina.

"I don't think it is..." Sheriff mumbles.

Argent sighs out, looking at the Sheriff. "Your opinion is a little biased, Sheriff..."

"Hear me out! What we're dealing with here is basically someone who lacks motive, no rhythm or reason, right?"

Argent frowns his brows at him. "Meaning, what?"

"Our enemy isn't a killer–––it's a trickster, the killing is just a by-product."

Derek then sighs out, giving him an uneasy look. "If you're trying to say it won't kill us, i'm not too confident about this."

"It won't, it wants irony, it wants to play a trick–––it wants a joke, all we need to do is come up with a new punchline."

Argent then looks over at Stilinski. "The sun's setting, what do you have in mind, Sheriff?"


Inside the Hale loft–––

Noah Stilinski, Chris Argent, Derek Hale, Allison Argent, Sabrina Santiago and Sebastian Blackstone had made their way into the area, looking for the Nogitsune that had taken over Stiles' body completely without any choice.

Sebastian's light blue eyes glanced around the loft, his brows deeply frowning, not catching a sight of the Nogitsune, but he could definitely feel him. "Where is he?"

"Is it another trick?" Sabrina sighs out in a whisper.

"No, no, no, it can't be." Allison shook her head.

"You are so right, Huntress." The Nogitsune deeply says, coming from behind the group.

The group slowly turns around to look at the dark spirit that had been keeping his self sheltered inside Stiles' body.

Derek lowly growls, his claws flickering out, Sabrina's dark orbs glancing at his claws, taking a hold of his hand. "Derek..."

The Nogitsune chuckles in amusement, seeing Derek welcoming Sabrina's hand in his.

The Nogitsune looking over at the Sheriff.

"Hi, dad."



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