Chapter 45 - Sworn Brother and Guardian Angel

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I told Do-Yoon everything that happened from the time the Crown Prince and I stepped foot on the island, until this morning. I kept it simple. Didn't add emotion, or justify my actions or those of His Highness. Even minus the histrionics, the story was still unlikely and melodramatic. But it was the unfortunate truth, and I was the protagonist.

The only thing I left out was the Crown Prince's side of the bargain with the Emperor. I felt that it was not my place to speak of it. It was expected for an Emperor or Crown Prince to sleep with as many concubines and consorts as possible. The larger the pool of heirs the better. It was part of the job description. However, to me, it sounded sordid.

While I explained how the marriage came about, I watched Do-Yoon's face and posture change. To begin with he sat rigid in the chair, with his usual blank expression. As I went on I saw his eyes turn into saucers, his cheeks flush and then drain of colour. At one point his mouth fell open and I heard a faint grunt. Then his lips pulled into a tight line and his jaw ticked.

He didn't utter a word, but everything about his baring told me he didn't like what he was hearing. Do-Yoon's straight back bent, he moved to the edge of the seat and leaned towards me as he listened. By the end, the hands that had sat relaxed in his lap had turned to clenched fists.

Once I finished I felt a sense of relief. At the same time, my confession had drained me of the little energy I had. I hadn't realised how weak I was from my stay in prison. I let myself sink into the pillows as I looked at Do-Yoon. He was leaning over, his arms resting on his legs and his hands clasped tightly between his knees. His was glaring down at the floor.

For a few moments, I let my eyes close while I gathered my thoughts. When I looked across at the dour guard he hadn't moved. It was impossible to guess what was going on in his mind.

" you have got any questions? It must sound ridiculous to you."

"No questions." That was short and sweet I thought. Do-Yoon turned his head in my direction and narrowed his eyes. It looked like he had a question, several of them.  But he kept them to himself. His answer was characteristically concise. Which was a good thing as I needed this over with. Suddenly, all I wanted to do was sleep for the rest of the day. Tomorrow was going to be harrowing day and I need to make sure I'm up for it.

"Crown Prince Yin would like to see you tomorrow to talk about increasing the security of the Pavilion. He feels once the Royal Court is aware of there is a Imperial Consort they will come running. They'll be clamouring to get into my good graces."  I was never go at shmoozing and this will be a thousand times worse. I know their interest in me will be short-lived. Once the harem fills, and His Highness settles on a favourite. It will be the favoured one who will take center stage. I will be forgotten. Which is exactly what I want.

This was getting around to the good part of the story.

"His Highness wants your help in choosing a squad of men from his house guards to transfer here. He informed me that the large warehouse next to the Pavilion would accommodate them. Yung-So will move in there as well, as your second in command." I paused hoping it emphasized the significance of what I said next.

"You will be Master of the Guard for the Night Sky Pavilion, answerable to only His Highness and myself. You will have complete control of who comes and goes, and the safety of its residents. And any private communication between the Crown Prince and myself will be through you." I waited for him to be impressed. This was a great honour the Crown Prince was bestowing on him. As for the prestige gained by being a part of the Crown Prince's inner circle, no price could be put on that. Perhaps the idea of being the go-between for the Crown Prince and myself insulted his warrior heart.

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