Chapter 16 - An overactive imagination.

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I was escorted to my bedchamber and pushed inside. The surly, larger guard who was still holding the hilt of his sword as a warning, mumbled something under his breath like, run please, give me the chance to kill you before he slammed the doors in my face.

Shaking with anger and frustration I couldn't get passed the arrogance of the Crown Prince. In this era, it may be perfectly normal and acceptable for him to act this way but for me it's surreal. How can someone have that much power and be so insensitive and lacking in insight? Back home I would have labeled him a narcissistic, androcentric...dick.

Pacing didn't help, squats made me tired but didn't ease my mind. What I'd give for a beer. When I ended up in front of the full-length mirror and looked at myself, all I could do was sigh and deflate like a balloon. There I was, in all my glory...not. Sometimes, I forget what I look like and get surprised at what I see in the mirror.  I find Min staring back. It was like that today when in the middle of my fury I stopped and looked up. A slim man-boy with sagging shoulders flushed cheeks, and a sweet pout was glaring at me.  That damned face, I'm determined to take control of it, teach it how to snarl and sneer. No more pouting cut all that cuteness has to stop.  I might as well have target or victim tattooed on my forehead.

I was a mess from head to foot, as threatening as a wet kitten. After the usual promises to get this body fit, I realised I had to do more. It wasn't just a case of making my body stronger, I had to change my persona entirely. There was no way I'll survive in the palace looking like a pushover. Even the guards have no respect for me, and I am sure I must be someone if the Emperor himself has an interest in me.

My clothes are wrinkled and filthy, my hair a tangled mess. I'm sure I have bruises all over my arms, they are aching and my knees hurt. Strangely, it's the aches and pains that reignite my rebellious streak.

I stood at my chamber door, cleared my throat, and banged loudly. "Excuse me." I yelled.  The doors flew open and the guard with the anger issues stood waiting for me to speak.

"Can I have a bath? I can't dine with Crown Prince Yi like this." I pointed at my scruff self. "Can you arrange that for me? " Nothing else was said and the doors were once again slammed in my face.


With nothing better to do I randomly picked a book off the shelf and sat on the floor beside my bed. It only occurred to me when I noticed my arse was nice and warm, how cozy my room was for a change. It took a while before I realised the floor was heated. I flattened my palms against the stone floor. This was new. Thinking of the cold nights I'd spent huddled under my covers with three layers of clothing to stay warm, I wondered why the room hadn't felt like this before. I have to speak to Lady Chun about this, the comfort of the prince is obviously more important than mine.

Eventually, one of the guards announced himself and the doors opened. The sour puss walked in and sneered at me as I lay flat on my stomach on the floor, swinging my legs in the air, as I read my book. "You can bathe. Make it quick."

I hopped up and followed him to the bathing room. It's only small, not much more than a tub, a sort of large barrel that you step down into. But it's comfortable and did the job.  The bigger in-ground bath is in the main bedroom.  There's a large brazier in the corner to heat more water and beside it a basket of kindling.  Unfortunately, as I walked in I saw the tub was empty. 

"You have to fill it yourself. All the servants are busy attending to His Highness."

I have no idea how this works, never having done it before. My godmothers always have everything prepared for me. From the moment I woke up everything, my food, clothes, I mean everything has appeared in front of me as if by magic.  It's been easy getting accustomed to being waited on. 

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