Chapter 28 - He who hesitates is Lost.

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Two weeks after the visit from Crown Prince Yi and Sang-Jung Gin Ae-Cha, a messenger arrived from the Imperial Palace. He caused a lot of excitement as his ostentatious palanquin traveled through the village. By the time he arrived at our gate a small crowd was following. After the last spectacle, Gin Ae-Cha's carriage and entourage, the town folk were curious why the normally quiet Kkoch Palace was suddenly receiving royal visitors. In the past, the Prince arrived with no fanfare, usually only accompanied by Do-Yoon and Yung-So.  Anyone looking at him would have thought he was a merchant or nobleman.  Crown Prince Yi had come and gone with no one realizing that it was the future Emperor.

The palanquin was an eye-catching deep red and covered with beaded tassels and silk drapery. Two imposing-looking Imperial Guards led the way on horseback, two maidservants trudged behind and four weary-looking bearers carried the litter on their shoulders. By the time the group arrived at the stairs of the main building, all my godmothers, Adam and I, were lined up to greet the Emperor's Emissary.   

A short round man delicately made his way out from behind the curtain with the aid of his maidservants. He was elaborately dressed and his little legs wobbled under the weight of the heavy silk robes and tall headdress.  When he finally stood to an unimpressive 4 foot nothing, his servants smoothed down the fabric and straightened his sleeves.  He preened like a peacock. The diminutive Emissary slowly made his up the stairs and once at the top everyone bowed.  I followed suit.  I was determined to be on my best behaviour.  I would kowtow like there's no tomorrow.

Adam, who was beside me whispered that he was the Emperor's Head Eunuch Soon Bok and he was a rank or two above Senior Lady Gin Ae-Cha.  As far as I know, I've only had one visitor in twelve years, suddenly they're lining up at my door.   I wondered who would visit next, perhaps the Emperor himself.

I stayed in the background assuming Eunuch Soon would ask to speak to me privately and we would be introduced. Instead, Lady Chun came forward and after formally greeting each other he handed her a scroll.  She read it, her face not giving anything away.  Ok....I'm being ignored by another Palace official. 

I watched them closely. They didn't seem to require speech for them to know what was going on. Both knew the protocol and etiquette for such a meeting. It was almost like a well-choreographed pantomime. There was no hospitality offered and no pleasantries required.  It was like the meeting of two robots.  Is that what life in the Palace was going to be like, impersonal and cold?   

Lady Chun dismissed us politely.  Then she and Eunuch Soon, with maidservants in tow, went from one room to the next, from one building of the palace to another. Lady Chun quietly explained how the household was run and the servants took notes.  By the time he squashed himself back into the palanquin, Eunuch Soon knew the workings of Kkoch Palace and had taken down an inventory of all it contained.  

The Head Eunuch left without a word much less a glance at me. I'm not sure if that is a good or bad thing.  I squashed down the irrational disappointment that the Crown Prince didn't send me a message of any kind.

Two days later, chests and large wooden boxes started to arrive.  Soon after that, every room was emptied of anything precious. I had to scramble to save the books I wanted from the study and the main bedroom.  Do-Yoon, Yung-So, Adam, and I quickly collected the books and stowed them away in my room which was the last to be packed up. 


A week ago Ladies Chun and Adam left for the Imperial Palace for two days. The house was strangely quiet without them. In particular, I missed Adam as he has become my constant companion.  They were to meet the Head Eunuch and inspect our new home.  The trip was to make sure everything was as it should be. With such a large household moving in one go, Lady Chun wanted everything perfect on our arrival, so we could settle in quickly. "More planning less chaos" is her motto.

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