Chapter 38 - Conversations - part 1

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The guard unlocks the cell door with one hand and balances a loaf of bread on top of a jug of water with the other. It's a new face and I watch him closely. He is the most excitement I'll get all day. He opens the door wide enough so that he can slide in and place the jug on the floor, then pulls a cup from his robe and places it neatly on top.

His arrival means it's noon. They come at the same time each day. It also means that I have been here technically for three days. My anger has not dissipated one speck and it's what keeps me from giving in, even though I know it's pointless and I'm making things difficult for myself. By nature, I am not a stubborn person but something in me refuses to agree to the terms of my release. Maybe it's just my dented pride. I'd like to say that I'm standing up for human rights or simple common decency.  But in reality, I'm not that noble or socially conscious, it comes down to plain old stubbornness. It's a lost cause. I'm tilting at windmills.

The guard is young, only a year or two older than Min. I haven't seen him before. I sit back against the wall, my knees pulled up to my chest and arms folded around them. I watch and wait. The boy is obviously new to this, with neither the physique nor face to fit the part of a jailer. He's a boy wearing the impressive uniform of a Prison Wardsman, but it does not suit him. I wait.

The guard stands in the doorway, his eyes downcast, his lips moving. He must have been told I am not the sort of prisoner to run so the door is left wide open. He is lost in thought and I'm guessing he's practicing what to say. The voice once he opens his mouth, again defines him. It is too high, it hasn't broken yet. The guard must be even younger than I thought.

"I...I've beeeeen told to asssk..."  The poor sod is nervous and starts to stutter. "....if you have a message for the Prison Master?" He finally looks at me properly and I see his eyes widen. I suspect Min doesn't look like the typical prisoner they have in these grim cells. I feel sorry for the kid and smile at him. I know how Min's smile affects people and I see the boy blush and he relaxes a little.

I put him out of his misery. "No. I have not." I say simply, which dooms me to another day in this horrible place. I can see from his face that he doesn't understand what is going on. He bows respectfully and turns to close the door behind him.

A loud guttural groan makes me jump. I look at the man in the next cell, who has managed to roll himself into a ball tighter than an armadillo. All I can think is that he must have received such a hellish beating he is half dead. I look away, there is nothing I can do for him.

My stomach growls and I realise I will join him in heaven if I don't eat something soon. My joints are stiff as I stand up.  I shake my robes trying to get some of the dirty straw and muck of my clothes. It's useless, I'm a disgusting mess. The beautiful white robe Lady Chun had chosen for me with such love and care is unrecognisable. I've been sitting too long and my legs are unsteady, I walked to the cell bars where the jug and the loaf of bread wait for me. I can't wait to sink my teeth into the bread.

Stuffing the bread in my robe I pour a cup of water and drink it in one go. It feels so good sliding down my parched throat. I close my eyes and sigh. I've never tasted anything so good. It makes me realise all the simple pleasures I've taken for granted in this life and the last.

When I open my eyes I see the boy looking at me, his forehead pressed against the bars. His brows are furrowed and his eyes curious.

"You look like you want to say something." I take a huge bite out of the loaf of bread. I wandered back to where I'd been sitting, the only clean spot in the cell and dropped down cross-legged.  Crumbs fall down the front of my robe. I lick my fingertip and pick up each one and pop it into my mouth. The guard slowly comes back into the cell and stands fidgeting in the doorway.

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