Chapter 13 - I'll Never drink Coffee Again.

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My day didn't start well.

Walking to my favourite corner table, at my favourite bookshop/cafe, I held tightly onto my cup of coffee.   The corner table was popular with customers because it looked out onto the cafe's fabulous courtyard.  Bright, bold graffiti decorated the walls, and ivy laced around some of the painted faces as if by design.  As I headed toward the back, I saw the table was free.  When I reached it and sat down, I felt like I won first prize in a contest. Once comfortable in my happy place I took the first quick sip of my tall black.  The hot, strong-tasting liquid filled my mouth.  My taste buds screamed YESSSSSS!  Then I woke up.

I was instantly alert, sad, and most of all disappointed.

Facing the irrefutable truth that I would never have another cup of coffee, I was thrown deep into an existential crisis.  As melodramatic as that sounds it is not an exaggeration. I thought I'd resigned myself to not seeing my family again, that my career was over and I now had a dick instead of a vagina.  I was fooling myself.  As I stared up at the dark canopy above my head I created a long list of never-again things, pizza, a hamburger with the lot, a cold beer, swimming in the surf at Coogee, OMG worst of all, no more chocolate.  At that moment, denied these simple pleasures, my feelings of loss rolled up into one large grievance.

I got out of bed feeling as bitter and twisted as a person can be.  The weather wasn't helping.  It was a bitterly cold morning and with no prospect of a long hot shower, or fresh croissants and coffee for breakfast, I was Alien and Predator combined.

Staring at the uninviting basin of chilly water I quickly removed my undershirt and started to wipe myself down.  In the middle of bathing Lady Chun announced herself and walked in with my breakfast.  She didn't give me time to cover myself, not that it bothered me.  I'm getting to like my body and unlike Erin, I don't intend for Min to shy away from enjoying it.  

 As predictable as the sun coming up every morning, Lady Chun came gliding into the room with her head bowed and her eyes fixed on the floor, a heavy tray of dishes held in her thin arms.  A second later Adam shuffled in behind her, with a bucket of smoldering coals and kindling for the brazier. He bowed, wincing as he slowly straightened up. I hadn't seen him since the whipping.   From the grimace on his face, he was not fit to carry anything, let alone a heavy bucket.  For some reason that made me even more annoyed. 

"I thought we agreed you would knock and wait for me to permit you to enter. Isn't that so Lady Chun?"

"I'm sorry young master my morning preparations were interrupted.  I was running late and didn't want your breakfast to get cold."  She did look more flustered than usual.  "It won't happen again." 

"I hope not."  I put a little extra ice in Min's soft voice and Lady Chun faltered for a moment.

Gripping the tray she added cautiously. She lifted her eyes briefly to catch my reaction. "We received a message, that you are to have a visit from Crown Prince Ji tomorrow."  

So I will be meeting him again.  It explained Lady Chun's anxious expression.  She doesn't want a repeat of the last time. 

"The Prince has some important news he wants to deliver to you personally."  Lady Chun started putting down the tray while in a sickly sweet voice went on to say. "You will behave won't you, young master."

I dropped the cloth in the basin, splashing water everywhere.   It was the wrong day to try to play me.  Both she and Adam jumped, staring at me in surprise before realising the blunder in etiquette and bowing.  The crockery rattled in the tray.

"I'll behave as I wish in my own home.  I've been reading up on the dos and don'ts but to be honest for me there's no difference between a Prince or a Eunuch and I will treat him how I see fit.  If he's a shit like last time he'll get the same from me."  The gasps that came from them were comical.   Their small world was turned on its head.

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