Chapter 42 - Family reunion.

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Normally, at this time of night, the Night Sky Pavilion would be a quiet place. Most of the servants would have returned to their dormitory. They go to sleep early and rise at dawn or before. The kitchen would be manned by one or two maids who tended the fireboxes and started the next morning's meal. The animals would be in their pens. The gates of the Pavilion closed, and two guards would stand to watch over all the residents.

My godmothers would retire to their bedrooms or gather in the communal area to sew or read. Only Lady Chun stayed awake until late. She had a habit of checking each building and walking the halls to make sure everything was closed. Her last stop would always be my study.

If this was any other day, when she appeared at the door, Do-Yoon or Yung-So would be standing guard. Adam and I would be sitting at my desk working on one of our projects. Lady Chun would join us for tea and we would chat about our day. It was a pleasant ritual that all three of us enjoyed. It was a small thing but I always felt I could go to bed peacefully.

But this night is different. The lights are on in all the buildings. The servants have prepared sweets and snacks to celebrate my return. Lady Chun announced in a grandiose voice that this was a holiday for all. She left a few jugs of wine with the servants and an equal portion of the food they had prepared.

My godmothers were all awake and there was a buzz of excitement as they gathered in the main hall of the Pavilion. They were happy to have me back home and wanted to see that I was well with their own eyes.

Once I was full of porridge, sweet rice cakes, and several pots of jasmine tea, I finally had the pleasure of bathing. It was the first time in five days. Adam insisted he attend to me, and although it was not allowed Do-Yoon permitted it as I was still weak. I let him scrub me without mercy as if he were determined to wipe any sign of the prison off my body. He washed the dirt, bits of straw, and muck from my hair, ridding it of the awful smell that had clung to it. I dressed in a clean undershirt and pants, plaited my hair, and returned to my soft freshly made bed. I braced myself for meeting my godmothers. They had all been worried sick. I felt guilty for keeping the truth from them. I hoped they would be satisfied with a description of Haengbok and my meeting with the Emperor.

In my heart of hearts, the only person I truly wanted to see was the Crown Prince, but he still hadn't come to see me. Again I am left waiting. My fate is in his hands but he is leaving me in the dark about what that fate is.

Eventually, every one of them was sitting in front of my bed as if I were the Emperor holding court. Lady Chun explained to the other court ladies that the physician examined me and I was weak but in good health. I needed rest and nutritious food to build up my strength. The group cheered as much as a group of timid repressed females could. They all had questions. As tired as I was, I tried to answer them while sidestepping the glaringly obvious question.

Once my godmothers realized the reason for my imprisonment wasn't going to be revealed they changed tack. They went on to ask about Haengbok and the Haneul Pavilion. They wanted to know every detail about the Emperor's appearance and the food that was served. Eventually, the conversation turned to what the prison was like. When I described the hellhole, the food or should I say lack of it, and the dreaded bucket, the group fell silent. The harsh reality was not something they could take lightly over sweets and plum wine. The mood grew somber. Their faces went pale, and the smiles and laughter disappeared. I didn't want our reunion spoiled. So knowing these ladies well I gave them what they love most, shameless, titillating gossip.

Scoffing down one more sweet rice cake I raised my hand and said that this is for your ears only. Which translated means feel free to gossip about this as much as you want. Their eyes widen in anticipation. It was hard for me to hold back a chuckle at how much they lived for this sort of thing.

I proceeded to tell them how there was one more person present in the Pavilion. A person who was never properly introduced to me but who I was aware of, Consort Hong Tae-hee. Everyone gasped. Lady Chun's hands went to her face. Adam standing by the door stumbled forward before he caught himself. The general reaction was one of utter shock. Any painful thoughts my godmothers had about my stay in prison disappeared. They were replaced by shamelessly excited ones.

I described my encounter with Consort Hong and was surprised no one questioned me further. I got the impression my mother wasn't liked and that it was a delicate subject better left alone. It almost felt as if it was taboo to speak of her. It was strange after all, she was Min's mother. I am sure that the subject was dropped only until I was out of earshot. I would love to be a fly on the wall and hear what they said about her in private.

My continuous yawning brought our reunion to an end. Lady Chun ordered my godmothers out so I could go to sleep. One by one they kissed my forehead or cheek and wished me a goodnight. Lady Jiah patted my cheeks so hard they stung. "You will be the death of me. From now on be a good boy and stay out of trouble."

I wasn't given the chance to say I did nothing wrong.

Adam was the last to leave. He put out the lanterns, leaving only one light in the corner of the room. "Goodnight Young Master. It is good to have you back." Then he was gone and the room was suddenly dark and cavernous, for a split second I was back in my cell.

I buried my face in my pillow and breathed in the smell of home. A few moments later I heard the door slide open and steady footsteps coming towards my bed. Twisting around I found Do-Yoon standing near the bed. His chin was pressed against his chest so I couldn't see his face clearly.

"What is it Do-Yoon?"

It continued to be a night of surprises because the next minute Do-Yoon was on his knees clutching the side of my bed. His head bent unable to meet my eyes.

"I failed to protect you. If I had been there I could have saved you for doing whatever stupid thing you did, without thinking first." If I didn't know Do-Yoon I would have thought he was insulting me, but it was typical Do-Yoon. His voice cracked.

"I take full blame for what happened. I deserve to be punished. Repeatedly I have failed to do my duty and protect you. PUNISH ME." The cold heartless guard was falling apart.

"Geez, Do-Yoon chill." His head popped up and he gave me the look. "What I mean is calm down. There was nothing you could have done. It was an ambush from the start."

A few buts came out of his mouth but I stopped him and placed my hand on his. "Until I speak to Crown Prince Yin I can't explain what went on. Once I do you will be the first to know. None of this was your fault. If you had intervened you would have probably ended up in prison with me."

I patted his hand and hoped he was reassured that I held no grudge. "I trust you completely. You haven't failed me, not once. Well, OK once, when you tried to kill me." I smiled at the thought that we had come a long way.

Do-Yoon looked at me for a few minutes, his hurt pride and sense of failure fading as I smiled back at him. "I will do better Young Master Min. I promise I will kill anyone who even thinks of harming you."

"Hmmm...Well..OK...a bit extreme but I think we'll leave it at that for tonight. Goodnight Do-Yoon." He was up and gone in a blink. I fell asleep feeling safe knowing there was a loyal nut job guarding me, even if my fate was in someone else's hands.

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