Chapter 53 - D Day - 8 pm T.O.D

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Lady Chun and Adam didn't join me for our usual evening chat. I sent them away to recuperate after the chaotic day we had had. The household became strangely quiet as bit by bit order was restored. Everyone was safely indoors and the Pavilion once again became a peaceful refuge.

Rather than bother the servants I went to the kitchen to collect my evening meal. It was to be simple fare tonight. Not the many small dishes they normally prepared. I stared at the tray, consisting of a bowl of soup and one of rice. I thought how much I would have loved to binge on a large meat lovers pizza, a bottle of Penfolds Sauvignon, and a box of crispy crème donuts. The longing must have shown on my face. A servant sheepishly added a plate of fat dates and dried persimmons, and a jug of wine to the tray. I smiled. I appreciated her kindness. In the back of my mind, I wondered how I'd go about building a pizza oven.

I thanked the servants and reminded them to boil all the water from the well until told to stop. I explained that the water would be tainted for a little longer. Hoping it would make them feel better I promised to get the toilet block back up as soon as possible. I dreaded thinking how many chamber pots were in use at the moment. Where the hell was the waste going? I didn't think I could stomach the answer.

As I walked back to my room my mind was racing about everything I wanted to change in the Pavilion. The storm had stripped away everything that was jerry-built and flimsy from the Pavilion, leaving me with a clean slate to work with. I was determined to make something good out of the chaos.

Yung-So was standing guard when I returned to my room. I told him to go and rest. The world wouldn't end if I wasn't guarded for one night. But he insisted on staying at his post. Yung-So has an unwavering sense of duty. He never lets me out of his sight unless Do-Yoon is around. Watching him stare straight ahead, his back rigid, and his hand clamped on the hilt of his sword. I knew he must have been exhausted. He would never show it. Do-Yoon was still with the new guards, so he would stay at his post until he was relieved.

I took the plate of dates and persimmons from the tray and handed them to him.

"If you are going to stay then at least have these. They are sweet and will give you a little energy. Goodnight Yung-So." I smiled up at him not expecting a reaction. He always looked gloomy, like the weight of the world was on his shoulders.

The guard tentatively took the plate and his eyes met mine for a second. His expression was hard to read. I still had no idea what I'd done for him to dislike me.


I was lying propped up on cushions on the chaise reading my notes, highlighting bits here and there. Drinking the last of the wine I wished I had a second jug and contemplated sending Yung-so to the kitchen. I heard voices in the hall. Looking out the window I could see the sun had set, only the faintest glow was left on the horizon. I tried to guess the time.

The voices, more like angry whispers steadily grew louder.

"Yung-So what's going on out there?" I called out. The voices stopped.

The door slid open and Yung-So stood blocking the doorway. He looked furious. His lips were pulled back in a snarl.

"I am sorry to disturb you, Young Master. Eunuch Kim has arrived and wishes to speak to you. I suggested he return tomorrow at a more reasonable hour, but he insists on speaking with you now." A visit from Eunuch Kim at this hour is unusual. What could be so urgent that it can't wait?

Something about this made me uneasy. The Pavilion gates were closed at sunset, yet here he was at my bedchamber door. Not escorted or announced by the gate guards as he should have been. It appears that Eunuch Kim didn't get the message that The Night Sky Pavilion is my home, and he can not come and go as he pleases. I will have to speak to Do-Yoon about tightening security.

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