Chapter 47 - The Path of Least Resistance...Yeah Nah!

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Waking up was deceptively peaceful. Adam opened the windows to a beautiful clear day. He gave me a cheerful smile, that I knew would soon be wiped off his face. He placed my breakfast table over my lap and went off to prepare my clothes for after my bath.

Lady Chun sat with me as I ate my breakfast. A small banquet to celebrate my safe return was planned for tomorrow evening. She happily discussed the menu for the meal. I didn't have the heart to tell her that tomorrow was going to be...I went blank. Certainly, nothing that she expected. What was tomorrow going to be, terrifying, a huge elaborate farce? It was hard to find a word that accurately described it without making it sound like the end of the world.

I had a vague idea of how the day was going to progress once the Royal Decree was delivered. Adam, Lady Chun, and the rest of my godmothers, after the initial shock, would be up in arms. The idea that their sweet Min was being rushed into marriage with one day's notice was indecent and unnatural. Far worse was the fact that he was being married off to his guardian, a man. This was a worse punishment than being thrown into prison.

I could foresee Lady Jiah dissolving into tears and Lady Chun turning into a she-devil. The woman whose life is ruled by order and correctness will be horrified by the disrespect shown not only to Min but also to the heir of the Phoenix Throne. The Crown Prince taking a male consort will tarnish both their reputations. The evil rumours that have made their way around the Imperial Palace will become worse.

This was a ridiculous charade orchestrated by the Emperor to show he had no intention of relinquishing his throne to his son anytime soon.

While in prison I'd had time to think about my encounter with His Majesty. I realised Min was a pawn. Plucked from his quiet life in the country and dropped into the palace, he/I had become cannon fodder. All I can do is bide my time until I can free myself and go back to being invisible. This isn't the time to try to prove a point or cause a scene. I needed to suck it up. Today I would take the path of least resistance.

Once Lady Chun finished telling me about the banquet, she immediately started on the next topic. I was told I needed to start taking an interest in the running of the household and the account books. The Night Sky Pavilion was not a small country palace and many things required constant attention, she explained. In a short while, soon I'll be coming of age and taking on the role of Master of the House. She puffed out her chest like a proud parent when she said the last part.

Having said her piece Lady Chun passed me a letter that arrived that morning from Dol, the bookseller. What was the little devil up to these days? At last something interesting. I love Lady Chun dearly but she can be long-winded. I took the letter and tucked it under my pillow to read later in private.


Picture the scene, the precise moment the shit hit the fan. Adam was standing beside me with my clothes draped over his arms. We were heading for the bathing room. Lady Chun was picking up the breakfast tray. All three of us stopped what we were doing when Do-Yoon's abrasive voice announced himself at the door. He entered without waiting for permission. Marching in with a flustered Eunuch shuffling behind.

It was obvious from the moment Do-Yoon stepped foot in the door that he was furious. He had that murderous expression on his face that I knew well. It was a red flag to any idiot to stay away. He stopped in the middle of the room, and almost snapped his back as he abruptly bowed to us in turn. Finally, he directed his angry gaze at me.

Do-Yoon appeared reluctant to speak. When he did his voice was more of a snarl than speech. "Head Eunuch Soon Bok has arrived. He has...." Do-Yoon stopped and carefully chose his words. "He has commandeered the main Banquet Hall and requests an audience with Young Master Min and the Court Ladies. Immediately."

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