Chapter 34 - 27 days, 4 lucky escapes and 1 kiss later - part 3.

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I don't remember much after passing out. I woke up once to find myself being moved and laid on my bed, then again when I was stripped of my robe and top shirt and slathered in some vile smelling concoction.  Repeatedly I was shaken awake to have some bitter tonic poured down my throat.  It tasted awful but as soon as I drank it I'd fall straight back to sleep.  I suspected that it was a sleeping draught, a powerful one that kept me immobile and allowed my body to heal quickly.  I remember a few blurry faces that came and went and whispered conversations that I didn't understand.

I had no idea about time passing, only brief wakeful moments interrupted my peaceful sleep.  It wasn't the same as when I was in a coma, where I was aware of everything, including the pain. This time details were fluffy, patchy. It was more like the time I dislocated my knee and I was taking endone for the pain. One night I had a couple of glasses of an excellent red with my dose and spent several hours as high as a kite, everything was fluffy then too, like my life was being fast-forwarded with zero continuity.

Between the wakeful moments I dreamt, pleasant dreams that blended one into another.  My mother was in one of them and I remember telling her that no matter how much of a bitch she was I still loved her and missed her. I knew I was dreaming because she'd kill me if I did that in real life. 

In another dream, I was with my boyfriend David at the pub where we would meet after work. He was sitting opposite me in a hazy glow like in old movies.  It looked like my brain was using filters because he was far better looking than I remembered. David was all soft and fluffy, smiling sweetly at me, with a gorgeous kissable mouth. I wanted so much to reach out a squeeze his cheeks. I recall exactly what I said to him. I told him bluntly that if I ever saw him again I would throw him down on the ground, have my way with him, and finally get rid of my virginity and enjoy him repeatedly. It's amazing how brave and out of character you can be in dreams when you know there won't be any consequences to your actions.  The dream was so real and impossibly ridiculous at the same time. 

My dreaming was therapeutic, my confessions left me feeling as if I had laid to rest the last lingering regrets from my past life.  The ErinMin combo was at peace.

The one familiar thing about the situation was someone trying to feed me the bitter medicine. I was awake enough to be annoyed that I had to swallow more of the vile concoction, awake enough to resist the person's clumsy attempts to press the cup to my mouth.  Between their uncoordinated efforts and my lack of cooperation, the liquid dribbled over my cheeks, into my hair, and down my neck, adding to my annoyance.

My limbs were useless, I could barely make them twitch.  But I could complain. "How can you keep missing my idiot?"  I tried hard to make my voice strong but it came out as a squeak.  "Get Adam, he can do it properly.  Do it like Adam." I spluttered the last of the liquid flying out of my mouth.

My head was pounding and all I could do was try to turn my head away.  "For fuck sake,  if you're that hopeless use your mouth...."

My eyes refused to open, I was so sleepy. I licked the disgusting sticky stuff off my lips. Then a strong unfamiliar hand gripped the back of my neck, lifting me slightly off the pillow. My back ached and I let out a groan.  At the time I thought vaguely that it didn't feel right, not like it normally did. Then a warm mouth rested tentatively on mine and a thumb gently parted my lips and the medicine was released into my mouth. It truly was awful stuff but at least this time I didn't feel it running all over my face. The thumb stroked my lip and prepared me for my next mouthful. More at ease I lifted my head to meet the lips again. When they touched mine I let them do their job without resisting this time. I was getting used to the horrible taste....and I started to trust the firm lips.

Whoever was nursing me, patiently repeated the process. Each time I imagined the lips lingered against mine.

I am going to blame what I did next, on the fact that I thought I was dreaming again. It felt so much like a kiss that I did what came naturally and let my tongue run over the bitter-tasting lips that were pressed to mine, before gently tugging and sucking on the full bottom lip. I sighed, thinking this was possibly the best dream ever.  I tried to conjure up the image of David again but my mind was blank.  

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