Chapter 48 - I am a MAN

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Hopefully, the details aren't too inaccurate to spoil the feel of the chapter.

I stepped into the room and froze. Why a simple thing like delivering a message needs all this pomp and ceremony was beyond me. I kept repeating my mantra...Suck it Up.

Running my eyes around the Banquet Hall I could see Soon and his team of helpers had been busy. When Do-Yoon said that he had commandeered the Hall he wasn't exaggerating. Our quiet home had been invaded without a by your leave. After a quick head count, I guessed Soon's entourage comprised around 24. The group was made up of Court ladies, Eunuchs and Imperial Guards. Plus the servants who waited outside. The interlopers had turned the quiet, unused room into a feast for the eyes. It was full of colour, royal banners, and unfortunately the heavy scent of incense.

My godmothers sat in two neat rows, patiently waiting for my entrance. All of them are au fait with Court protocols and would know something momentous was about to happen. However, not even in their wildest imaginings would they expect what was coming. Being the well-trained Court Ladies they were they kept their thoughts to themselves. They looked the picture of genteel charm. Calm in the face of this unexpected disruption to our daily routine and their home invaded.

Eunuch Soon's glacial gaze fell on me and sent shivers down my spine. I was spinning my wheels and it was pointless. I started to walk down the center of the room. My godmothers sat in pairs on either side. To the left were the Senior Court Ladies in jade jackets and blue skirts. Unlike my godmothers, they wore lavish hairpins, and pretty norigaes hung from their jackets. On the other side was an intimidating row of Imperial Guards. Their faces were hidden under helmets and they wore the deep blood-red tunics with black scale chest armour of the Imperial Standard Bearers.

They stood like statues. The staff of the banners pressed against their side and tilted forward. The bright yellow, red and blue Imperial Standard draped open, exposing the twin emblems of the Phoenix and Dragon. They were an impressive sight.

Soon sat on a stool in front of the Master of the Pavilion's chair which was on a platform at the end of the Banquet hall. His small frame was engulfed in his silk robe. Behind him were two of his juniors. One of them was Eunuch Kim holding a large silk-covered scroll. He was standing awkwardly and his face powder on his cheeks was smudged. My instincts told me Soon didn't respond well to his junior being sent away. He had taken out his anger on the Eunuch. Beside him was a pile of boxes of all sizes. There were chests and silk bundles, rolls of fabric, beautiful Qing vases, scrolls, and books, piled as high as a man. An elaborate birdcage sat on the top like the proverbial cherry. They must be the wedding gifts that the Crown Prince mentioned, a small treasure befitting a royal consort.

Anything less than an extravagant show of power and wealth The Emperor would lose face. After all, it was technically a royal wedding, no matter how rushed or inappropriate. The outside world needed to think it was real. At least, until the daughters of the Ministers and clans arrived. Then the real positions of power in the harem will be selected and installed in the Palace. Imperial Min after that would only be a minor player. He may be the first pawn to happily leave the board, leaving the rest to fight between themselves.


Facing Soon I bowed deeply, my head almost reaching my knees and then I knelt and waited. Looking up at him I could see he was still frowning and behind him, Eunuch Kim had the same expression on his face. His eyes darted back and forth across the room and I automatically followed their direction. Everyone had their heads bowed. Ah! I was showing a lack of respect for Soon. I returned to looking at him, hoping the FUCK YOU expression on my face was unmistakable.

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