Chapter 50 - D Day Part 2 - Noon

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I don't know how long I stood at the window transfixed. My hands trembled and my eyes darted from one spot to another, trying to take in the bizarre scene.

In the time it took to read a poison recipe, fully understand the instructions, make a couple of amendments and look up, the perfectly ordinary day vanished. The mild weather turned grim. The white puffy clouds that had drifted across the sky all morning had morphed into grey threatening ones. And the light breeze that had barely caused a ripple on the pond's surface had swelled into a gale. It keened like a banshee as it smashed itself against the pavilion's walls.

As I stood watching the chaos, the heavens opened. As suddenly and dramatically as switching on a light in a dark room, sheets of rain, fanned by fierce gusts, ripped through the trees and long grass. Petals were tossed about like snowflakes.

"What the fuck?"

"Young Master Min today of all days you need to control your tongue," Adam said half-heartedly. Unimpressed by what was happening outside. He slowly moved around, restoring my bedchamber to its normal state. Only the bright splash of red, my wedding robe, remained out of place hanging in the centre of the room.  Lady Han and the rest of the Court Ladies had left some time ago and the household was once again peaceful.

"Have you seen what is going on outside?" I was forced to jump back when the wind and rain changed direction and hit me in the face.

Adam came to join me at the window. He looked pale and hungover. "It's a good omen, Young Master. You and the Crown Prince will have a long and happy marriage." I gave him a death stare but he was oblivious, possibly brain dead. He was a lightweight when it came to drinking.

I was about to remind him it was a marriage of convenience when I was interrupted by a knock on the door. Do-Yoon asked permission to enter. Finally.

My interest in the storm was forgotten once he walked into the room. Do-Yoon was wearing his full ceremonial uniform. He looked more handsome than usual. He'd shaved properly for a change and his normally messy bun was hidden under a gat.

If there was ever a man who oozed masculinity it was Do-Yoon. His dark brooding handsomeness is usually associated with a villain or the bad boy in a novel. He's neither of those. Do-Yoon was the opposite, a simple, honourable man. But his looks are devilish and for a moment I forget I was annoyed with him for not coming to see me sooner.

I postponed my anger until I finished ogling him. The snug black and maroon tunic and pants fit him perfectly, and the studded black leather vest accentuated his narrow waist. His sword, as always, hung from his belt. like it was part of his body. But it was the black broad-brimmed gat with the colourful peacock plume set on one side that made him look dashing. A string of silver and white jade beads hung from the hat. It swayed with each stride he took and forced you to look at his stern face.  I even like the sound of his heavy footfalls. They make me feel safe.

I sat on the chaise. Adam closed the window and stood nearby, like a sulking doberman.

"Lady Han sent a messenger ahead of the official party. Unfortunately, they've been delayed due to the storm."  The tradition required a long, loud and colourful procession to announce the arrival of the Consort, and then lead my palanquin into the Palace of the Nine Heavens.  The plan appeared to have been derailed by bad weather.  As he spoke his right hand moved to hold the hilt of his sword and that was when I noticed that it was bandaged, from fingertip to his wrist. The white gauze was tinted yellow with ointment and smeared with blood.

"Hmm...I'm in no hurry to get to the ceremony it suits me just fine. They can take all the time they want."  Adam gasped.  His eyes begged me to keep my mouth shut.  I turned my glare back onto Do -Yoon.

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