Chapter 17 - Will this terrible day NEVER END?

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Greetings readers.  The odd vote would be appreciated.

Note...I split the last chapter in half.  Same day that evening.

The best idea I had all day was asking Lady Jiah to leave a bottle of wine in my room while I was eating with the Prince. The woman exceeded expectations and left two.

I drank quite a bit during the meal to cope with the awkwardness. I hoped a little more might blank out the entire experience. It was a bizarre scene, a room full of servants and his guards, all of them at the beck and call of the Prince and then there The tension between us was palpable, combatants politely sitting opposite each other.  Having an audience made it worse.

I am not sure why the Crown Prince insisted on sharing a meal with me.  He could have delivered his bombshell and left, sped back to the Imperial Palace where his army of admirers could fawn over him.  It was clear I didn't want to be there.  I was angry and embarrassed about what happened earlier. I don't know what got into me, flaunting myself the way I did.  I lost my temper and I wanted to show him I wouldn't be intimidated, or controlled. Still, I was shocked with myself.  Neither Erin nor Min are exhibitionists by nature. However, combined they are volatile and fearless. One day in the future I'll back and laugh, after all, it really is funny.  I'm a virgin in two lifetimes and I boldly flashed the future Joseon Emperor.

The meal dragged on, endless dishes, endless silence. I didn't look or speak to the Prince unless I had to. He attempted to make conversation but I shot him down with yes or no replies. When I snuck the odd glance as the meal progressed, he became more rigid and his face lost all expression.  I was pissing him off something fierce.

Two of my godmothers and two servants stood against the wall ready to jump if we needed anything. I watched them from the corner of my eye, their faces were as grim as mine. The atmosphere in the room was making everyone twitchy. Two guards were stationed by the main door and one stood on either side of the Prince. The grumpy guard never took his eyes off me. I got the impression if I breathed the wrong way he would pull out his sword, chop me up into little pieces, and make me into kebabs.

I ate a little, but mostly I drank. Once the last dish was taken away I got up, gave His Highness an appropriately deep bow, thanked him for gracing me with his company, and wished him good night. I was prim and proper and observed all the protocols, making sure there was nothing I could be blamed for later.  Then I rushed from the room before he could swallow his surprise and object.

I wanted to get away. Get as far as I could from the Crown Prince.  He was a magnet for craziness and chaos and being in the same room with him was like sitting in a minefield, not knowing which way to turn. I had more than enough of Prince not so Charming for one day.


Back in my room, it took a while to find the wine but when I did the first bottle went down quickly.

It wasn't long before I heard the guards take their positions at the door.  Where did they expect me to run off to in the middle of the night?  

Lady Jiah came with tea a little later.  We hadn't had a chance to speak since this morning.  She told me no one wanted to return to the Imperial Palace and its oppressive lifestyle.  All the women, godmothers and servants alike, appreciated the small amount of independence they had at the Kkoch Palace.  There was a lot of talk about why the Emperor suddenly wanted Zhou Min close.  Keeping him out of sight had taken a lot of effort over the years and now suddenly he was being dragged into the lion's den.  Was his mother involved? Had Min surviving the poisoning sparked some plot behind the scenes?

Knowing a little about Min's background the first thought that comes to mind is that he is a pawn in someone's bigger plan.  The boy is so unimpressive, what impact could he possibly have on anything?  

I realised how much Lay Jiah was worrying when she started to cry.  She patted my hand, and her voice wavered.  "Don't worry Min we will always take care of you."   My sweet godmother left quietly after putting out all the lanterns except for the one on my desk.  

I removed my robes as the room was now too warm and sat down at my desk with the second bottle of wine.  I tried to talk myself into believing I could adapt to living in the Palace.  I have to.  The wine helped dull my fears.  I got up and headed for my bed.  It had been a long, eventful day.

"May I enter?"  I groaned.  

"Yes, Your Highness."  The doors opened and The Prince walked in, looking around the dimly lit room as if he expected someone else to be there.   I bowed and put on my robe.  "Can I help you with anything?"

"I brought you this."  It was a small bottle.  "It will help with the bruises."

" noticed.  Your guards are very heavy-handed."  I took the bottle.  "Thank you.  I appreciate this.  Maybe next time you can tell them not to haul me around like a piece of luggage."

"Pour me a cup of wine."  The Prince ordered, when I hesitated for a moment, he poured himself one and drank it in one gulp.  I watched closely as he licked his lips.   "This is good.  I didn't know you liked to drink alone.  Is this another habit you acquired since you woke up?"  

"New habits...hmmm."  I'm so tired and this conversation is boring. "Everyone keeps telling me I've changed.  As I can't remember what I was like I can't argue. What other habits have I acquired?"

"You were a sweet boy, so you are vulgar.  You have a filthy mouth."  the Prince went straight for the jugular.  "I can tolerate your lack of manners but I won't tolerate you acting like a whore."

He started to pace the room. I have to admit The Prince did look impressive in the soft glow of the lantern.  I almost forgot I hated him.  "'Before you became ill you were always happy to see me when I visited.  I would bring you sweets and you would sit with me in the study.  I would read to you and you would eat all the sweets."  The Crown Prince looked like he thought he'd landed a good shot. That I'd be touched or saddened by the story.  Idiot.  "I liked the way you were before."

I wanted to laugh.  I swallowed hard but unfortunately, the wine in my system loosened my tongue.  "That's not what your eyes said when you were looking at me in the bathing room. I think you liked the new me just fine."  I didn't shy away from his eyes.  His cold stare could have reversed the Arctic meltdown.

"You're disgusting."  His eyebrow was starting to twitch.

I poured another glass of wine and walked away from him.  I said thoughtfully.  "It's strange.  I like people now that I didn't like before and vice versa.  Adam for example.  He said I ignored him in the past...very odd."  How many times can I twist the knife before I push him too far?

"That mouth of yours is going to get you into trouble." The Prince snarled.  He marched to the door.

"Your Highness."  I thought he would ignore me but he stopped and turned around.  "Please don't take me to the Imperial Palace.  I won't survive."  I was deadly serious and hoped he saw the fear in my eyes.  

"It's out of my hands." 

How I found out transmigration was a thing.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें