Chapter 56 - The upside of Eavesdropping

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Like the previous chapter...bold sections are remembered conversations.  

I hope these last two chapters haven't seemed weird.  It was the only way I could think of to feed you extra background details before we get stuck into the next bit of the story.

The fever lasted for a few days, waxing and waning. During that time I had lucid moments. One was when the Crown Prince and Lady Chun were chatting beside my bed. I lay quietly, my eyes closed, listening to their murmuring voices. I generally don't approve of eavesdropping but sometimes it's a good way of finding out what people are hiding from you.

The setting was unusual by Palace standards, the Crown Prince and a Court Lady, as a rule, don't CHAT. In the past whenever I saw the two together Lady Chun followed all the rules of etiquette and the Prince was aloof. The atmosphere that night was different. I got a glimpse of the relationship they'd built over the last decade. To my surprise, Lady Chun fearlessly brought up the subject of the Crown Prince's harem.

I've been told the concubine selection process is to start next week. The Palace gossip mill is happily predicting the future Empress will be one of the young ladies entering the Palace. The daughters of Ministers from the North and South have been mentioned as being likely choices. Even General Li's youngest daughter is said to be one of the many names on the list. A very long list.

Lady Chun was trying to make a point. I heard her give the Crown Prince one of her signal coughs. It's equivalent to a warning siren. Anyone who knew Lady Chun knew it meant she was about to put them on the spot. She got up and started pacing.

I hope you don't mind me speaking plainly. If I am not mistaken the intention is to fill all the Consort ranks in one go with The Emperor's supporters. If they are all from the powerful clans all the better.

Another warning cough.

And here is Min, your Imperial Consort for less than the blink of an eye, shunted aside. My poor Min didn't even have a proper nuptial ceremony to present him to the Royal Court. Worse still they are trying to murder him. It is most upsetting.

Being dismissed as inconsequential was what the Crown Prince and I wanted. There was less chances of getting murdered that way.  Unfortunately, Lady Chun was still under the impression our marriage was real. 

His Highness was sitting beside my bed and continued to stroke my hand. I was surprised that he let her berate him. He must have been tempted to tell her the truth. 

From what I hear Her Majesty The Empress has been busy preparing a list of young ladies with impeccable lineage to enter your harem. If I may be so bold their Royal Majesties appear to be in a rush to see you produce an heir.

Lady Chun was right. The speed at which The Emperor and Empress wanted to fill the harem was bordering on indecent. However, she was poking a sore spot. I wondered if the Crown Prince regretted the choices he made. Then again, we are talking about a young virile man having sex with a horde of beautiful, willing women. OK, so it wasn't a hardship, more like an exercise in stamina.

I assume you will be taking part in the final interviews and selection. I understand such things are time-consuming. You may not be able to visit Consort Min as often. Do you think that will be the case? Should we send you reports on how his recovery is progressing?

The icy tone in her voice could cut you like a knife. If I had the energy I would have laughed. Lady Chun had a way of letting you know that she didn't approve of something with her barbed comments. I continued to listen quietly. I knew Lady Chun was feisty but I had no idea she was this brave. She dared to talk to the Crown Prince of the land like he was a naughty boy.

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