Chapter 22 - What's a little Poison between friends.

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As it turns out, that single spark of inspiration three days ago was significant. Spotting those two men arguing over that poor bird was serendipitous, resulting in a bloody good idea if I say so myself.  

The morning after, the first thing I did was go to find the goose. I felt I had a new lease on life, a purpose no matter how trivial.  Adam as instructed had left it to recover from the ordeal in a small disused pen. When I arrived it was sitting in the dirt, its head tucked under its wing, asleep.

I watched Lady Chun from the corner of my eye as she stood at the kitchen door. I suspected she was considering calling the physician to examine me again. I suppose I did look odd collecting the feathers scattered around the enclosure. All the struggling had loosened a great many large wing feathers and I didn't want to waste them.

My audience grew with Lady Jiah and Taylor Swift...Lady Yira joining Lady Chun to watch me dig up sand from one of the rockeries. I could see them shaking their heads.

Back in my room, I went about cleaning the shafts of the feathers I'd soaked in water overnight. I cured them in the hot sand I heated in a pot on the braizer.  Getting the right temperature was a matter of trial and error. If I kept them too long in the sand they became brittle, not long enough they were too soft. Shaping the tips was fiddly and I ruined several feathers and cut my fingers in the process, as all I had to work with was a small pairing knife.  In the end, I was satisfied with two. I tested them and to my surprise, the old bit of technology actually worked well.

Unlike modern ballpoint pens, quills can't race across a page. I have to be slow and deliberate or else I flick ink on the page, and paper is precious. It's probably a good thing that I have to take my time, it gives me the chance to think carefully and economically about what I write. Also, the books I bought are expensive and I can't afford to be careless.

I can't describe the emotion I felt when I finished writing the first sentence and lifted the quill after the first full stop. I had found a way to restore my sanity and express all the thoughts and feelings I've bottled up since waking. I couldn't share my story with anyone, this was the next best thing. I felt liberated, DIY therapy. Considering the English language may as well be Martian in the Joseon era, I can safely write whatever I want.

It didn't take long for the news to get around the palace that I was up to something strange...again.  All my godmothers found excuses to come to my bedchamber and sneak a peak.  They gawked at me writing with a quill instead of a brush as if I was performing a magic trick.  None of them mentioned the fact I appeared to be writing nonsensical squiggles backwards.

Adam was the only one who saw the process of making the quills from beginning to end. He asked if I could show him how to use them.  It took him a while to change his mindset from sweeping strokes to pressing down.  Writing his name in traditional Chinese with a quill didn't work well, so I taught him to write it in English.  I told him a little white lie that I had made up a secret language and being the naive soul that he is, Adam believed me.  I've already got a reputation for being strange.  It isn't a huge leap to think that I would do something weird like that.

So on a clean sheet of paper, I wrote A D A M  in bold letters several times across the top and sounded out each letter.  He watched my hand move slowly over the paper.  When he was ready to try it for himself I left him to it.  I sat at my desk and wrote the first entry in my journal, a description of my death.  While he sat at the low table like a diligent pre-schooler learning their first word. He practiced it over and over again until he filled the sheet of paper with neat rows of ADAM ADAM ADAM. 


I should have known better than to start feeling happy, after all, I was living a melodrama, or was it a tragedy? I had a few days of peace and I got complacent.

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