Chapter 35 27 days, 4 lucky escapes and 1 kiss later part 4

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After a great deal of begging Lady Chun finally let me get out of bed so I could spend some time in my study writing up notes.  I needed a clear head for when the Crown Prince arrived.  I had a lot of questions and wanted to think it all through and get it down on paper.

I put on a light robe over my bandages with Adam's help. I smelt like a dumpster, and as loyal as he was even HE avoided standing close to me unless he had to. It was too difficult to pull on beoseon so I went barefoot to Adam's horror.   From the look on his face, you would think I was walking around with my dick hanging out.  The fact that I can say that without a second thought shows how far I have come at being Min.  

I shuffled off to my study. It was a short trip, one room away but it felt like I was on a marathon.

I refused Adam's arm when he offered it. I needed to work my body before it stiffened up completely. I hadn't felt this bad since I woke up.  The worst thing was my breathing. I could only manage shallow breaths, which left me feeling like I was suffocating.

I was glad not to have to face Do-Yoon. He was walking the compound, while Yung-So was on duty guarding me. At some point, they will swap posts but for now, I am stuck with Yung-So. 

He followed me silently, carrying several large cushions. I was still peeved with the man, he refused to be friendly. Being ghosted by someone who was literally right in front of me was infuriating. So to spite him I delegated every menial and inconvenient chore to him, hence he was the cushion carrier. 

Before I sat down at my desk Adam strategically placed the cushions on the chair, while Yung-So checked the room. I watched him as he shook the furniture, opened and closed the windows, and scanned every inch of the place for potential booby traps.  

By the time leaned back on the cushions I was exhausted.  I didn't want to admit that Lady Chun was right, I wasn't ready to get out of bed.

Everything I needed was on my desk ready for me to start, a new pristine lined book, my quill, and inkwell. Adam excused himself and I knew before long he would reappear with tea, sweets and fruit for me to nibble on while I worked.  If people weren't constantly trying to kill me this would be the perfect pampered life.

I forced myself to focus, told myself to be methodical, and keep it simple. I decided I would write my notes in English for the sake of privacy. I'd been naive thinking that no one was snooping into my private affairs. I'm sure whoever the villain was, they had already tried to read my journal only to find it written in gibberish.

Where to start? 

Yesterday's incident was obviously not an accident.  The carpenter and his team were experts in their craft.  I watched them work and they were painstakingly careful with every detail.  There was no way they'd make a rookie mistake like forgetting to nail something down properly.  The bookcase was definitely tampered with.  Also, the choice of bookcase was significant.

Conclusion, whoever set up the accident knew me well, and knew my daily habits.  They knew I read before going to sleep....almost always a romance novel.  

My assumptions escalated like a snowball speeding downhill.  

In the case of the carriage incident, the same thing applies, the assassin would have had to know our plans for that night.  The ambush was planned to look like we had been unlucky and attacked by bandits.  That plan failed because the Senior Officer decided to use the first carriage as a decoy.  

Conclusion, the villain, monumental bastard, disloyal cow dropping, dickwad  had no chance to let his counterpart know about the change of plan because they were with us traveling with the other carriage.

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