Part 50

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Abhimanyu was driving the car this time. 

Abhi - Where are we going?

Akshara - Home?

Abhi - Should we pick Abhir first?

Akshara - It's nearly 7 if we went to pick Abhir up they will stop me for dinner and i am not looking forward to that. 

Abhi - Home it is. 

Akshara - Yeah.

Abhi - Don't you think we can give ourselves one more chance.

Akshara - Nope...I don't....I don't think.

Abhi - You don't think, I became a better person.

Akshara - You were always a great person Abhimanyu. You just became more mature i think. 

Abhi - Then, why do you believe that we can not work?

Akshara - Because i already told you that it's not a you problem Abhimanyu it's a us problem.

Abhi - Then why didn't you get married to someone else. 

Akshara - Because I lost hope of me having a happy married life and...

Abhi - And....

Akshara - And.... it would have been unfair to the other guy.

Abhi - Why? 

Akshara - Because i was in love with you and marrying someone else is just unfair to that person. 

Abhimanyu stopped the car and looked towards her.

Abhi - You still...

Akshara (Hesitated)  - I said "was"

Abhimanyu nodded and again started to drive the car. 

Abhimanyu - What are your plans for the wedding?

Akshara - Huh?

Abhi - Arohi and Rohan's wedding.

Akshara - I didn't think much of it.

Abhi - You didn't think or you don't want to share?

Akshara - Actually i don't want to go and i still feel stuck in that situation. What do you think should I attend? 

Abhi - Akshara it's your call, i mean Rohan will be over the moon if you attend but he will understand if you don't want to come. 

Akshara - How do you handle all these things?

Abhi - Like the wedding?

Akshara - Yeah, how do you manage to get along with everyone and not feel anything?

Abhi -  Well, apart from Ma i don't really have anyone to blame and to be honest i shouldn't even blame her, most of the mistakes are committed by me so why would i have trouble in getting along with anyone and most of them supported me as well. Akshara it was different for you nobody blamed me for anything and neither anyone asked me to leave the house. So, i am not really a ideal person to answer your question and i won't even pretend that i understand what you are going through. 

Akshara - I don't like to say it but aunty did manipulate you. 

Abhi - Yeah, she did but it was me who put blind faith in her.

Akshara - Well it's not wrong to put blind faith in your parents they do want best for their kids.

Abhi - Maybe she did but her definition of best need to change then. 

Akshara - So, what would you do if you were in my place?

Abhi - Why would i suggest something when i know you won't listen to me anyway.

Fate doesn't care about your plansDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora