Part 44

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Here Akshara completed all her work and left for her home, She texted Sachin to know about Abhir and Abhimanyu and instantly got a reply from him. She was disturbed as she has no idea what to do with that Arohi situation and here the news Kunal gave her wasn't comforting as well. The coming days are going to be stressful. Then her phone started ringing, she saw an unknown number and guessed who that is.

Akshara – Hello?

Caller – You don't have self-preservation skills I see, huh?

This just confirmed her guess, and she knew Abhir and Abhimanyu both are safe and she had enough today.

Akshara (furious) – You know what? I don't care who you are and I don't give a fuck. If your client or whoever enslaved you to do this is involved in this collapse, they got to pay for it and if not then just let me live my life and live yours and don't you dare call me again. Get lost!

She cuts the call instantly. She knew sending this number to police will leads to nothing like before.

She pinched the bridge of her nose and closed her eyes for a moment. Then her phone ranged again. She is so pissed, she picked it up without checking the caller Id.

Akshara – You know what? let me Spell it out for you "GET LOST". You understand? I am not doing anything you are going to ask me to do, so stop calling me and just buzz off.

Caller – Uh, you have mistaken me for someone else Besty. I am scared.

Akshara – Kunal?

Kunal – Yeah, your handsome, charming friend.

Akshara – Sorry, it was...

Kunal – They called you again?

Akshara – Yeah

Kunal – What did they demand?

Akshara – I didn't listen, just cut the call after saying "get lost".

Kunal (scoffed) – You got to be kidding me? You just hanged up on people who are threatening you.

Akshara – I did, and I am going to hang up on you as well.

Kunal – Please, stop. Send me the number first, I mean we can still get it checked.

Akshara – I will do it, Bye.

Kunal – And Akshara, I know something is going on with you and I am not going to poke my nose where it doesn't belong, but I am worried for you. I just want to say that, I am here to listen and maybe we can find solution for whatever is troubling you.

Akshara – Yeah, thanks.

Akshara cuts the call and sent the number to Kunal. She reached the home and got freshen up but her mind was still stuck on the call, she texted Sachin to be more alert and then called the other undercover officers to watch out.

Akshara was sitting in the lobby, keeping her eyes closed when the house help informed her that SP came to meet her. She walked out to see him waiting in the garden.

Kunal – I just came to check on you?

Akshara – You don't have to.

Kunal – I know, I just am worried for you.

Akshara – You are not coming in?

Kunal (shrugged)– I prefer the garden but whatever you say.

Akshara (rolled her eyes) – I just asked so you won't say I didn't invite you inside the house.

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