Stunned Birla's

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Birla's were celebrating Abhimanyu's achievement when they saw Mr. Shekhar returning with someone, they couldn't see the face as the lady was surrounded by security and policemen. But they were curious as it is quite obvious that she is a VIP.

Abhimanyu was feeling a little strange so he was trying to see the face of the lady but she was surrounded by a lot of people.

When the Anchor started to make an announcement, soon everyone stood after hearing she is the district magistrate, but nothing could prepare them for what they heard next.


They were looking towards each other with shock and confusion, did they heard the name correct.

Manjri (in mind) – She must be someone else, there can't be only one Akshara in the world. Beside the Akshara they knew could never reach to this level.

Arohi – No, that's not possible right ? Akshara can't be in civil services.

Mahima – Do you guys heard the same name or I am hallucinating ?

Abhimanyu is just stunned, he was still trying to get a glimpse of the lady.

Harsh and Anand were trying to figure out what is happening. When they heard the further announcement.

Anchor – Ma'am, we would love to have you on stage for a few words.

Akshara gestured her security to stay behind and climbed up the stage. Now, everyone could see her face clearly.

The moment they saw her, Birla's felt as if the ground were slipping beneath their feet. They were gawking at her. She looked so elegant and calm, she has a small smile on her face. They were too stunned to say anything.

Manjri – She... She..... is.... She is .... The....DM . No, that can't be true. She is not smart enough to be that.

Arohi – She wasn't that capable, there must be some misunderstanding. Akshara wasn't that intelligent.

Mahima – I guess Arohi you don't know your sister that well but that explains the confidence.

Anand – Behave everyone, She is not the person you guys want to offend now.

Mahima – I agree, she for sure has outdone us.

Manjri – Arohi is right didi, Akshara was not capable of doing this.

Anand – CMO sir is her junior for god sake don't do anything stupid. Keep Quit for now and try to be normal.

The moment Abhimanyu saw her, a  proud smile broke out of his face. She made him speechless, he was gawking at her like a stupid man, then he spoke - Wow !! Methidana to Magistrate. She just gave a classy reply to everyone on this table, who questioned her career. Take this you egoistic Birla's.

Harsh – Wow! This girl never ceases to amaze me. Just when I thought she can't do better than this, she finds a new way to silence everyone.

Abhimanyu is watching her with amazement – I am proud of her dad, she sure is special. There is nothing in this world that my methidana can't do.

Parth was just staring towards her while Shefali was smiling, she was fond of Akshara and Birlas never respected any other profession other than Doctor's, so it's interesting for her, how can they insult Akshara now without getting themselves ruined.

They all became silent as Akshara is speaking now.

Akshara – Good evening, everyone. It's nice to be here. You guys are the true-life savers. I mean "Not all angels have wings some have stethoscopes as well".

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