Part 29

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Harsh went to look over Abhir and Akshara and he found the scene in front of him quite endearing. He made a video of Abhir playing harmonica while sitting on the bed beside Akshara who was looking at his son with a smile on her face. Harsh entered the room.

Harsh - Well if you keep looking at him like that then when are you planning to get some rest.

Akshara - Me lying idle here doesn't mean rest?

Harsh - I don't think so.

Abhir - Dadu is right mumma, you should sleep for a while we will wake you up in an hour or two.

Harsh - He is sensible for his age; I think he went after me neither dumb like his father nor tactless like her mother beside his love for doctors is just like me.

Akshara (sarcastic) - Yeah, you keep telling this to yourself as his love for football also came from you.

Abhir - Mumma, Dadu can't even kick the ball properly.

They both laughed together.

Harsh(sighed) - Well, now you get some sleep, I will be outside in the lobby.

Harsh went out of the room leaving the mother-son duo alone in the room.

Abhimanyu got out of Akshara's mansion; his mind was still reeling on the conversation he had with Akshara. He informed a Broker to find a house near Akshara's mansion then he reached the hospital and get himself engrossed in his schedule.

It was night, Abhimanyu checked his phone to see any update from the broker when he came across a message sent by his dad, it is a video of Akshara and Abhir, his two lifelines. He watched the video few more times that put a smile on his face then decided to call his dad.

Call -

Abhimanyu - Thanks dad.

Harsh - My pleasure but for what exactly?

Abhimanyu - Video

Harsh - Oh

Abhimanyu - What are they doing?

Harsh - Do I look like your servant that you left to take care of your wife and kid?

Abhimanyu - If you think properly that's exactly what you are doing but without payment.

Harsh grinned - Say please only then I will tell.

Abhimanyu - Dad seriously?

Harsh - Yep

Abhimanyu rolled his eyes - Dad please tell me, where is Akshara and Abhir?

Harsh - They both are sleeping. You looked for a place?

Abhimanyu - I was just going to check with the broker. I think it will take 3-4 days, first we have to check it in person. We can't just go and live anywhere.

Harsh - I know that but if the broker got any properties suitable for our demands, we will check them tomorrow. And don't tell anyone in the family about it until you found a place to move in.

Abhimanyu - I was going to talk about it tonight.

Harsh - No, they will try to convince you to stay then and trust me we are not going to like it. We will tell them when we will be ready to move out so they don't get the chance to manipulate you.

Abhimanyu - Don't worry about it, no one can manipulate me. I can only see my love and I am ready to become selfish for my family this time.

Harsh - Even in that case I will appreciate my meals to pass in silence. I don't want to taste your mother's tears in my food.

Fate doesn't care about your plansTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang