She is hiding something

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Here Akshara came out of the venue, she looked at the time there is still 30min , she can easily reach at the theatre and pick Abhir up.

She reached the theatre there is still 10 mins.

Akshara – Call Sachin and let him know, that we waiting for them at the exit.

Security – Yes, ma'am.

After 10 min, Akshara saw her little star walking out with Sachin. Sachin opened the gate for Abhir who ran in and sat in Akshara's lap.

Abhir – Mumma

Akshara – Mumma's little star, how was the movie ?

Abhir – It was awesome Mum.

Throughout the way to their home, Abhir continued explaining the story of the movie animatedly while Akshara was looking at him lovingly.

They reached their home, guard opened the gate and saluted her, she nodded towards him in acknowledgement. They got out of the car while Abhir ran inside.

Akshara – Sachin, Thank you so much.

Sachin – That's my duty ma'am

Akshara raised her eyebrows - I remember your duty being me and my family's security not watching an animated movie with my kid.

Sachin smiled – Well security means going wherever you guys go, even if it is for a animated movie.

She thanked him once again and left.

Akshara and Abhir had dinner together, then she was reading some files while Abhir was doing his homework. Soon Akshara put Abhir to sleep, she herself was doing some more work. When she thought about her day.

Akshara (in mind)- They already know who I am, it's not going to be so hard to know my marital status. It's going to get out whether I like it or not. I need to be prepared for that. But the question is What to do about Abhir ? Is it time to give everyone the shock of their lives or I should let them think whatever they want to think. I mean their opinion don't matter to me at all but if it came to Abhir, I won't let them talk nonsense about my kid if that happens I will tell the truth then Birla's are going to need doctors for themselves. Beside I guess as much as I want to stay million miles away from all of them, keeping Abhir secret is kind of unfair to him and Abhimanyu. Before any useless drama occurs, I need to sort everything out. I need to figure out how I want to go forward. I don't want my kid to hate me when he came to know about it from any other source, he will get hurt but he will get hurt even if I tell him, cause Birla's are shameless they will do something stupid to take him away from me, but this time it's not Akshu they will be facing. With the family history they have, I don't think I will have any issues in proving them incompetent in raising a child. I just need to collect all the evidence in advance, they won't even know what hit them if they tried to be smart with my kid.

She was mentally exhausted with all the questions running around in her mind. But one thing she knows very well, it's only a matter of time someone is going to figure it out and she need to be prepared for that.

She went to her room, she kissed Abhir's forehead and went to sleep beside him.

Birla House,

Abhimanyu went to follow Shefali, who was sitting in the garden.

Abhimanyu – Bhabhi ? What happened ?

Shefali – I have a news for you.

Abhimanyu – What is it ? Is everything okay ?

Shefali – Akshara is not married right now ?

Abhimanyu – WHAT ? Bhabhi please this is not the joke I want to hear right now.

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