What are you doing here?

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Here Akshara was foreseeing the whole rescue operation.

Akshara – Get me the list of people residing in this building, match that with people standing there, they must be families of the people stuck under the rubble. And get me the details about the building now, when was it built, owners, Engineer and contractor and sub-contractors who managed the construction.

PA – Yes Ma'am, on it.

Rescue officer – Ma'am, we have rescued 4 people so far and these is no casualties as of now, they have minor injuries, but we don't know what to expect.

Akshara – Keep it going, the risk of casualties will increase with time. So, do it as fast as you can. We are working on getting a list of the people who live in this building only then we can confirm how many people are still in there but right now you people keep digging.

Officer – sure ma'am.

PA – Ma'am the list is being prepared, we contacted the owners they are here, police is getting the details of all the people live in there, we will get the list in about 10 min.

Akshara – Then start calling all the people from list that will give a general idea who is stuck and who is safe. Look into the crowd there must be families of people who live here.

PA – ok ma'am

Akshara – Get me on a call with CMO. (Chief Medical Officer)

PA – Yes Ma'am, here you go.

Akshara (on call) – Mr. Shekhar, I guess you have heard of the unfortunate incident, I want you to be present at the govt. hospital, we already sent 4 patients there, you will take care of all the formalities of patients. And send more ambulances here, we have no idea about any fix numbers as of now. Keep updating me about the condition.

Akshara was busy in the whole operation, she didn't have the time to breathe let alone to think about what she did a few hours ago. There were her subordinates left and right waiting for her commands. Soon they got the list of people and after confirming it with their families, they have a number. There are 67 people inside the building when it collapsed. As of now 25 are rescued successfully, two dead bodies were also found.

Sachin joined her after some time.

Akshara – Abhir?

Sachin – He is fine, I guess he is comfortable with Mr. Birla.

Akshara – You should have stayed.

Sachin – I think my services are needed here ma'am.

Gesturing towards the hordes of crowd and people running around here and there.

Akshara – I don't think so, there is a lot of police no one will dare to come close to me let alone try to harm me.

Sachin – Hope so, Ma'am.

PA- Ma'am, we rescued 7 more people no more casualties.

Akshara nodded towards him and said – Try to talk with the injured people if we can find their names, we can try contact the families.

PA- Yes Ma'am.

Akshara – Sachin, ask the house staff to update you about Abhir. And ask the guard...

Sachin – no one will enter the house. I did that already; I will keep an eye out for Master Abhir don't worry Ma'am.

She again got into the work mode; she was keeping the eyes on whole operation.

Abhimanyu wanted to follow Akshara, but he knew she wouldn't want him there, he thought for some more time then left for the Hospital and turned on the News. He came to know all the patients are taken to the Govt. hospital. He decided to leave for the hospital as they may need help.

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