My Grandson !

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 Akshara looked at the time, Abhir would be here in 30 min and her lunch hours will be at the same time. Before then let's finish this file.

Abhir was waiting for Ruhi's driver to come pick her up.

Sachin – Master Abhir, we can leave.

Abhir – Uncle I was waiting for Ruhi's driver to come. She is my sister I can't leave her alone.

Ruhi – He will come bro, you can leave.

Abhir – No, I will wait with you siso.

Sachin looked at both the kids as he has no idea what to do. He decided to wait for Ruhi's driver.

Driver came after 5 mins.

Sachin – Why are you late ?

Driver – Sorry ? who are you ?

Sachin – It doesn't matter, the little girl was waiting here for you. Be on time next time.

Driver apologised to Ruhi.

Ruhi rudely – You need to be on time. I will complain about you.

Abhir – Siso, behave he is older than us, beside he already apologised no need to be rude about it.

Ruhi looked at Abhir – But bro he is at fault.

Abhir – Well it happens sometimes, its not like he is late always, is he ?

Ruhi – No

Abhir – Then no need to complain, he is already sorry siso.

Ruhi defeatedly – Ok bro, Bye bro!

Abhir – Bye siso.

Sachin (in mind) – The kid is a lot like ma'am, Kind and compassionate for less privileged , fierce and bold for wrongdoers.

Sachin took Abhir to Akshara's office. By now everyone in the collectorate know Abhir as he came here daily after school and then have lunch with ma'am, then stay in the spare room behind her office. Which is a guest room for officers in case they have to stay late at night here. They both left together in the evening mostly, she put all the necessary meetings after her office hours at her home. While Abhir plays or go for cycling outside the mansion with Sachin. Akshara do joins them sometimes as she don't want to miss out on her kid's childhood.

Sachin – We can go in ?

PA – Sure, there is no one with her, it's lunch time.

Sachin nodded and let Abhir in while he stayed outside.

Abhir – Mumma ! you won't believe what happened today.

Akshara saw him and hugged him, she orders her PA to serve their lunch while she took Abhir to get him changed out of his school uniform.

Akshara – Now tell me what happened my little rockstar ?

Abhir – I met Ruhi today, we are in same school.

Akshara – oh, that's great baccha.

They were having lunch now. Abhir kept talking to her.

Akshara – Abhir, you are her elder brother. And brother's take care of their sisters. (Akshara realised her tongue slipped.)

Abhir – Ruhi is younger to me ?

Akshara (shit)- Abhir it's time to take a nap. Let's go no more talks.

Abhir – Don't worry I will take care of her, I love her.

Akshara – And Abhir loving and supporting your siblings doesn't mean hiding their mistakes. You got to correct them if they made one.

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