Talk to me

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Here after Akshara and Abhir left, Harsh asked Abhimanyu, what he wanted to talk about?

Abhimanyu – Abhir knows everything.

Harsh – What? Akshara told him?

Abhimanyu – No, your wife did?

Harsh – How? Why did you let your mother do that? Akshara knows about this? and Ex-Wife.

Abhimanyu explained everything – And Ex- mother.

Harsh – I think we should give Akshara a heads up.

Abhimanyu (sarcastically) – You think?

Harsh – Well, why don't you then?

Abhimanyu – I don't have her number!

Harsh remembered – I don't have it either, I never asked for it.

Abhimanyu – You stayed at her house, How did you manage to contact her.

Harsh – I never did, it was her every time, we talked and that is from the security guy's phone. Neither I have Her's and nor I think she has mine.

Abhimanyu – That's just great.

They both became silent for a few seconds then harsh thought about Manjri.

Harsh – This lady can never stop her tantrums. Why I got her in my life, I can never be able to answer this question.

Abhimanyu – Well, maybe for having a child like me.

Harsh – Yeah obviously a fool like you, who got manipulated his whole life till now.

Abhimanyu – You weren't particularly great either.

Harsh – Still much better than her and I do have some basic sense which you and your mother don't.

Abhimanyu – And where that sense got you?

Harsh – I figured a lot earlier than you, that Abhir was your kid. I tried to put some sense in you when you divorced her and I am the only one Akshara trusts, I am the first person she told about Abhir. Still going to question where my sense got me?

Abhimanyu raises his hand in defeat – I gave up.

Harsh (sarcastically) – Beta, I will always be your father so don't even try to mess with me.

Abhimanyu – I think it's time to talk to Mrs. Birla.

Harsh – Can I buy popcorns on my way to home?

Abhimanyu – You are joking about this?

Harsh – Well you are 6 years too late to do all this so obviously I am going to fully enjoy when it happens.

Abhimanyu – I don't know what happened to her? I just can't even see her without getting angry anymore.

Harsh – She didn't changed now, she was like this to Akshara always, you just realised it now. She was always like "My way or Highway" types.

Abhimanyu – You are right, I think I am a fool even my kid says so.

Harsh – He said that?

Abhimanyu – He said, "You are dumb and the only cool thing about you is that you are a doctor".

Harsh laughed and they both left for Birla house.

Everyone is at the dining table when they both entered.

Manjri – Abhi, harsh ji, you both came at the right time, come on have dinner.

Harsh – You are really a fool or you try to act like one?

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