Part 39

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Abhimanyu went to Birla house from hospital as Rohan insisted him, the Birla's are planning for the wedding so everyone was their including the Goenka's who came to know about that Abhimanyu doesn't live in Birla house anymore. They decided to make the wedding a close family affair with limited Guests. They are going to start the small functions soon and Rohan also explained Ruhi who unexpectedly took everything too well for her age. Now he is coming back to his home, hoping to spend some time with his family.

He entered the house guard open the gate, he saw another car parked there, he saw Akshara sitting in the Garden with a man? He got out of the car to walk towards them when the guy got up and hugged Akshara and started to leave.

Akshara followed him and stopped beside Abhimanyu before he could say anything she speak up.

Akshara – We need to talk.

Abhi – Who was he?

Akshara rolled her eyes – Why do you care?

Abhi – Well, I saw him for the second time here, I have the right to know.

Akshara – Huh? Got hit on hour head or what?

Abhi – He came in my house so I should know right?

Akshara raised her brows – Since when is this house belongs to you?

Abhi – Since I moved in?

Akshara (serious) – You know leave it, I need to tell you something.

Abhimanyu sensed the seriousness in her tone, he will find the detail about the guy later, he gestured towards the chairs in the garden to sit.

Abhi – I am all ears.

Akshara sat down and took a deep breath, thinking where she should start and how much she can tell him.

Abhi – What happened? You, ok? Don't worry just say it out.

Akshara – Yeah, give me sec.

Abhimanyu waited for her to say something but he was worried now, "Is she going to kick me out?".

Akshara – Look you were surprised when I asked you to move in, Right? You didn't believed it at first and had some doubts and you were right, I didn't invited you because of Abhir and to be honest I would never allowed you to stay here. I just couldn't, I had no other choice.

Abhimanyu nodded and gestured her to go on. Well he was skeptical when Akshara asked him to move in but he got convinced believing maybe this is his chance for redemption and right now he is not liking where the conversation is going.

Akshara –I received threats and I was worried that they may target you, actually they are targeting you and I as a logical person should do was trying to make sure that you stay out of this mess. On a personal level I know whatever decision I took may not be right, deceiving you to move in but on professional level that's the most sensible thing to do because I thought I can easily look out for you or make people watch out for you.

Abhimanyu opened his mouth to speak.

Akshara – Please, let me complete.

She saw his Expression changing within a span of few minutes from playful to hurt, resigned and lost.

Akshara - I am not going to justify my lie but I did what I know was right according to protocols and my experience. I shouldn't be telling you this even now but I am because as much I can try there are lot of chances that things can go worse, I saw it happening today. In cases like these, I can ask for security for my family and that's what I did, there were two undercover police officers who were following you like shadow but today, you went out of the hospital and they didn't realise that's when I received another warning stating you are not at hospital. I was out of my wits, I had no idea where you are, you weren't picking up my calls either and I don't want to feel something like that again. It's.... it's not a good feeling, I was worried, I can't take another blame on my head. So, please cooperate and don't go anywhere without informing.

Fate doesn't care about your plansजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें