Chapter 29: Tako Roll (1 Order = 2 Pieces)

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"What did you find this time?" Pearl asked.

"Roller." Heimdal replied as he held the new pallet.

Marina looked curious. "This apparently belongs to someone from Splatsville."

Heimdal thought for a moment, re recalled his conversation with Tord before turning back to the Memverse:

Are the others stuck in the Memverse?"

"Most likely. But don't worry, I'll save them!" Heimdal assured him.

Tord crossed his arms in approval. "I have faith in you, Neo Eight."

"Neo Eight, that's a new one." Heimdal smiled.

Tord's smile wavered. "But out of everyone, there are two people that I really need you to find most importantly of all. One was with me when I was taken to the Memverse, the other is Eight herself. Please find them."

"You have my word." Heimdal gave Tord a thumbs up.

"Well, let's not just stand around! Let's get a move on!!" Pearl cheered.

Order Roller - palette: Alison Tenka

"So, this is the one: Wittle Wed Widing Squid. I don't get how someone could be so optimistic and happy aww the time! And somehow taming a sawmonid somehow? If Towd was a viwus, then this is an infection! Look at how she's changed Towd: Owdew was his lowew, and now this giwl is his inamowata!" -Smollusk

"A Roller is a very effective weapon, speeding off while inking turf. Don't get too carried away Kewpie!" -Marina

"So, who's this 'Alison' character? Can't say I've heard that name before. Is she new around so somethin'? I guess Marina did say she was from Splatsville, I think we may go on tour there next!" - Pearl

"A weapon like that can be someone's foil; strong, powerful, but consuming." - Acht

"Unagi is one thing, that jewk." Smollusk said as the group returned to the top. "And Towd is anothew, he's a twaitow to Owdew. They both make me so mad! NOW WHAT MAKE YOU THINK I'WW WET YOU WECONFIGUWE THAT GIWL'S PAWWET WITHOUT A FIGHT!"

"We don't have to fight." Heimdal responded. "C'mon, the sooner we do it the sooner we weave- I mean leave." Heimdal giggled.

"Now you'we making fun of me!" Smollusk cried. "I will not stand fow this swandew!" Smollusk again transformed into Overlorder. "Youw time is now! Awison and Heimdaw!" Heimdal slammed down his roller and swung at Overlorder's weak points, whacking them his bruit force with their roller. "Hey! Stop hitting me! quit it meanie head! Stop it!" Smollusk screamed at Heimdal full-on whaled the giant octopus with the roller until Smollusk short circuited and exploded.

"You'we awfuw!!!" Smollusk yelled. "You'we howible for hurting Smowusk wike this. I'm just a smaww fwail wittle progwam."

"You attacked US, Smollusk." Acht pointed out.

"I'm just twying to fuwfiww my puwpose of Wowld Owdew! Why do you have to be so stubbown and just give up alweady?!" As Smollusk ranted, Marina quietly reconfigured Alison's pallet.

"Where am I?" Alison squeaked.

"Here we go again, these twouble makews awe aww enemy numbew one of Owdew! You keep waking up aww of my pwisonews, I pwomise if you guys come back thewe will be twouble!"

"I have no doubts." Acht commented.

"Alison." Tord called out as Heimdal and Alison returned to the Square. Tord squeezed Alison.

"I'm okay Cap'n." Alison smiled. "Are the others alwight? I mean alright?" Alison giggled. "Sorry, that little Octo was so cute!"

"It does have an adorable speech pattern." Tord turned to Heimdal. "But it's still a threat."

"I'm still gonna be looking for the rest." Heimdal assured them.

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