Chapter 7: Cascade Angel

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Part 2.5: Splatoon 2 Octo Expansion

The rushing of adrenaline, loosing conscious.

Pull of gentle hands, and hymn of steel beams broken beneath my feet.

Dragging only me, the shortest cephalopod anyone ever did see.

Death of mind, dwelling the deep darkness.

"Hey, Octoling." The girl's eyes futtered open. "Oh good, you're alive." 

"Where..." She started before clutching her head.

"This isn't the time for questions. 'Cause I don't got any answers for ya, pipsqueak." The girl blinked. "But I can introduce myself. I'm Cap'n Cuttlefish. I found you here unconscious while investigating a giant thud I heard 'round here. I was gonna be quick with takin' ya out, but it seems like you don't got a weapon on ya, plus I found this." Cap'n held up a small drawstring bag. "Seems like you're a big fan of Squid Sisters. And anyone who likes the Squid Sisters can't be that bad. So, I spared ya." The girl shakenly got up. "So, who are you?"

"I..." She thought for a moment. "I don't remember."

"With a fall like that I ain't surprised. Maybe we can find some way out." Cap'n Looked around. "Maybe this way?"

The two explored the tunnels, looks for a way out. The girl thought to herself, she couldn't recall much. She looked through her bag to recall anything, only finding a notebook, food, and CDs. 

"That notebook of yours, you like to sing?"

"I don't know." The girl replied. She looked through the book, it was full of poems. She looked up as the two of them found themselves on a train station platform.

"Look there!" Cap'n pointed to a phone on the platform. "Maybe we could call for help." The girl walked over to the phone, as she touched the receiver the phone sprang to life.

"Whaddup [Unknown Slang for short female], welcome to the function." The phone said.

"Woah! is it talking on its own?!" Cap'n exclaimed.

"This is the Deepsea Metros. A Rad-tastical [Slang Not Found] where Octolings are tested to gain access to the Promised Land: The Surface world."

"You had me at 'access to the surface.' How do we get outta here?" Cap'n Cuttlefish asked.

"Test Subject 10,008. Explore the dank stations to complete all the [Unknown Slang] test to collect 4 thangs necessary to making it to the surface." The phone spat out two items. A CQ-80 and some sort of credit card before going radio silent.

"So, Test Subject 10,008... aye that's quite a mouthful. Why don't I call you just 'agent 8' for now?"

"Agent 8..." she echoed. "Okie dokie." just them a train pulled up to the station. 

The automatic doors opened as a small blue slug inched his way towards them. "Hello, you two, you must be Test Subject 10,008." Agent 8 nodded. "Come aboard, there's many things I must explain."

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