Aemond transferred the reins from two hands to one, wrapping his now free arm around her waist and closing in by her ear. "You do not know what it is like to be the only Targaryen without a dragon," he spoke quietly. "The pain and isolation almost brought me to madness, but once I laid my eyes on this beast I knew she was meant to be mine."

She closed her eyes and leaned back into him, unsure of what to say but wanting him to know she felt sadness for the little boy who Aemond once was. He was right, she did not know that pain and was ever grateful to have no memories without her own dragon.

As they soared higher into the quiet sky above the clouds, Viserra felt the familiar freedom that came with the privilege to access such a space. With the sun warming her face and the wind still carrying a biting chill, she raised her hands up and out, relishing in the weightlessness that flying gave them.

She felt Aemond shift a bit and watched as he tied off the reins to the saddle horn. Instinctually, she lowered her hands, but he stopped her, his touch firm as he guided her arms back out.

"Let go," he murmured, his hands tracing the length of her arms as he encouraged her.

And Viserra did just that. She closed her eyes and let her body relax, feeling the wind biting at her skin and pushing through the fabric of her dress. Warm hands worked their way over her thighs and she savored the moment until she felt the leather straps lose their tension on her legs.

Eyes shooting open, she almost brought her arms back down, but again, Aemond caught them and guided them up with gentle insistence. His hands then moved to her hips, gripping them firmly while attempting to lift her from the seat. She turned her head, brow furrowed just for him to respond with a smirk.

"Do you not trust me?" He asked, his voice steady.

Viserra hesitated before pushing herself to embrace the moment. Looking straight ahead again and taking in a deep breath against the wind, she nodded. "I do."

Without resistance this time, she let him help her to stand. The wind whipped around as she balanced on top of the massive creature. Aemond's arms wrapped around her legs to keep her skirts in place and to steady her on her feet.

Although she had often stood in her own dragon's saddle, standing on top of a beast that she was not bonded to, trusting entirely in the man behind her, was exhilarating beyond words. She was not sure if it was the wind or the thrill, but it felt difficult to catch her breath there. Despite everything happening below them in their lives on the ground, up in the skies she felt more alive than ever.

Vhagar suddenly shifted in the air and Viserra instinctively reached down, grasping at Aemond for support. With a steady hand, he helped her back into the saddle, his firm grasp letting her know he would not let her fall.

As she settled back down, Aemond kept one arm securely around her waist while taking the reins into his hand. She could not have been more grateful for the timing as Vhagar abruptly pulled to the side and she felt herself slide on the leather seat.

A familiar black shadow shot up through the clouds with a loud screech that pierced the air. Viserra immediately recognized her own mount as he spun closely around the larger beast. How had she not sensed him approaching sooner?

"Rhyn!" She exclaimed watching as he continued his erratic movements around Vhagar. He seemed puzzled by the sight of his rider perched atop another dragon.

Viserra could feel her heart begin to beat in her chest again as she watched the dragons' interaction unfold. The tightening of Aemond's arm around her waist told her he most likely felt the tension too. She worried that the Vhagar would misinterpret Rhyn's behavior as aggression and things could quickly escalate into a dangerous confrontation.

Inviolable Bindings | Aemond & Aegon II TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now