41-☆: me too.

322 17 2

Yerim was waiting for Jungwon to come into the class but his figure was nowhere to be seen after he made public apologize in front of everyone. What possibly happened to him as he didn't finish his words yet? the teacher might be the one who turning off the mic and stop what he did.

Her right foot moving up and down as if there's a beat to music without she realizes, the eyes keep glancing into the door waiting for him to show up. The teacher teaching in the front no longer she looking forward, as she can't wait for the school session end to see him.

"Okay, that's all for today. Don't forget to study this topic again on your own."

The school session ends as her urge increase to leave, she throwing up all her stuff into her bag as she didn't bother it anymore. Yerim really want to see him at the moment, as she wants to comfort him for finally putting down his ego just for her.

"Yerim, let's-"

"Minji, I'll leave first. Bye! see you tomorrow."

Without Minji could finish her words, Yerim already running as everyone turn their head to looks at her. They wants to know what happened between Jungwon and Yerim because they never seen this two interact much but Jungwon sudden action, shocking them.

Yerim was searching for Jungwon, even though she didn't know where is he right now. But, she wouldn't give up to find him even it means searching him in this whole school.

"Where could he be right now?"

Yerim catching her breath as she already checked on discipline room's, sport area, club room, teacher's room, cafeteria, and even man toilet, he wasn't there. But it's not like she goes into those man toilet, she just asking students that come into that toilet if they saw Jungwon in there.

"Did he already leave? Because he feels ashamed?"

Thinking her, but his bag still in the classroom. There's no way he leaves without taking his bag and stuff. But then suddenly, Yerim remembered of one area that she didn't check yet. A school rooftop, a prohibited area for student.

"I really hope you there, Jungwon."

She runs again before she missed him, that possible for him to be there even though that's a prohibited area. If teacher found out there were there, she doesn't care as she would sacrifice anything for Jungwon.

As soon as she arrives, turn out Jungwon was there. She was right, luckily she didn't give up yet. She smiled widely as Jungwon didn't realize that she was behind him. He was too focused looking up into the sky, while swinging his both legs. The wind on rooftop making Yerim hair blew as it show the prettiness of her.

"I found you."


Jungwon turned around and surprise Yerim found him there, he purposely spend his time on rooftop and skip his class after the teacher mad at him for done such thing in the school. Yerim walk closer to him and standing in front of him.

"I.. already done what you asked."

"I did apologize in front of everyone because of you."

"I don't care if the teacher mad at me, I don't care if my friends laugh at me, I don't care if everyone in this school looks down on me. But I care if you hates me, ignore me, and got someone else other than me."

"I'm willing to do anything for you, Yerim."

"Please, accept me."

"Look, even if the teacher beat my hand until red. I'm no longer care about it, as long as you accept me this time."

"I love you, Moon Yerim."

Yerim surprised that the teacher beat his hand until red like he said, she thinks this was his first time receiving a detention from teacher as he never done any problem before in the school.

She took his hand that still red at moment and then kiss it slowly. Yerim feels slightly guilty because of her, his hand look like this. Jungwon eyes widened as what he witnessed at the moment, her sudden kiss make his hand didn't feels hurt anymore.

Yerim standing on her tiptoe as Jungwon still tall even though he sits on the table at the moment, her both hands lean on his both shoulder as she bringing her mouth closer to his ear.

"Yo también." she whispered while smiling.

"Huh? W-what does that mean?"

"It's Spanish."

Jungwon quickly taking out his phone from his pocket to search the meaning of it, as his hand shaking in nervous because of sudden bold move from Yerim. She giggled seeing how he desperately wants to know the meaning of it that she unable to see him trying to pronounce the words on google translate. Yerim push down his phone and cupped his face to looking at her instead of his phone.

"It's mean, me too."

"I.. love you too, Yang Jungwon."

Yerim kiss Jungwon on the cheek as she can't hold it anymore seeing his cuteness at the moment. His cheek reddened as he feels blushed by Yerim kiss. He keeps wanting to see more of this Yerim side even though it means making his heart rate increase and racing everyday.

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