40 - ☆: apologize.

380 16 5

Both Yerim and Jungwon ignoring each other, this time none of them ever tried to reach each other. They going back like a stranger, even though they sit side by side in the class but there's like a wall in between of them.

This happened for a month already. Just like Yerim said, she wouldn't want to talk with him until he apologise to her in front of everyone. And Jungwon still didn't do it of what Yerim ask, as he still sticking to his upper position in those school.

And for that time being, Yerim didn't come to Jungwon house for the tutor session. She studying by herself with the help of books Jay have give her before. Jungwon also didn't text her about that, and she thought he just fine without her by his side.

Yerim slowly realize that Jungwon might not be the man that deserve her. Maybe when she already graduated from high school, she will found someone who's better than him. Even though he's perfect for every aspect, but if he can't even lowering his own ego, there's no use for Yerim to looking up for him.

It's still hard for Yerim to forget about him, every night she was hoping that Jungwon would do of what she asked because she really can't accept him unless he apologise. But all those, seems wouldn't happen as he never reach her even once and he also never tried to talk with her after that arguement.

"Yerim, a friend of me was asked for your phone number. Can I give it to him?"

"A man?"

"Yup, don't worry he's kind."

"Well, if you said so. Just give it to him."

Yerim smiles as she doesn't care anymore, maybe by meeting and knowing someone else would make her stop attached to Jungwon. She doesn't really care anymore if Jungwon heard it as he sits beside her in the classroom, because there's nothing between them.

"Yerim, before that. Can I know your types? Like what kind of man you like?"

"I like someone that kind."

"Ayy, come on. Can you give a more specific, if you said kind.. most of people are kind in general."

"Someone that smart, good looking, tall, physically active, cute, smell nice, good voice, cat eyes like, has a leadership value, green flag, and on top of that someone who didn't have higher ego."

"Why do you sound like describing someone?"

Minji looks at Yerim in suspicious after heard Yerim ideal types. Yerim just laugh to not make it awkward. Well, if she asked, that's the real ideal types of Yerim, no matter who is it, she wants someone like that even though she herself it's not like that.

"By the way, is the person you give my phone number to is closest to my ideal types?"

"Yup, he is. He's the top 1 student in his school."

"Woah, how did he knows me?"

"I posted the picture two of us on IG, then he suddenly text me to know more about you."

"Ah, really.."

Yerim just nodded because that will be great to know someone that smart suddenly looking forward to her. Also, Minji the one recommended him to Yerim, that's impossible for Minji let her with someone bad for Yerim, as she believes in Minji choice.

While both of them laughing talking about the guy Minji mentioned, Jungwon suddenly get up and slammed his table. Everyone in the class shock as it's their first time seeing Jungwon this serious. He then walked away leaving the classroom, everyone started to look at each other as they curious about it.

"Did we being too loud?"

Minji started to afraid as she didn't aware that Jungwon were studying while both of them laughing around. She thought they're probably disturbing him to trying to focus when studying.

"No, we didn't. It's his fault, if it's loud in here, why didn't he studied in the library?"

Yerim assured Minji that are looking really worried at the moment, she doesn't want a Student President suddenly didn't like her as Minji with Jungwon has a good relationship as a classmate.

But what Yerim have said also right, he usually would studied in the library but why this year, he suddenly rarely go to library and choose to study in the classroom.

Suddenly a speaker in Yerim classroom being ON by someone from the podcast room's, meaning that there's announcement that about to be tells. This speaker is connected to all areas of school as the speaker is in all of the classroom, teacher's room, club room, and all.

"Hello everyone, I'm Yang Jungwon from class 5-1, also a School President in this school."

Yerim shocked when that person happened to be Jungwon, she was thinking why he suddenly goes to podcast room's after slammed his table just now. What will he doing this time?

"First thing first, I'm sorry for not getting any permission for using this mic. I have something important that I have to done, and I need to done it today and now as I can't hold it any longer."

"To Moon Yerim, I apologise from the whole of my heart for always embarrassing you in front of everyone. I'm always mad at you for no reason, even though I'm smart figure in this school, I feel like I'm stupid after what have I done to you."

Everyone in the class suddenly turned their head to look at Yerim including Minji, she's gasped as Jungwon mentioned her name directly which everyone in this school would heard him including the teachers. Even though she's the one who asked for apologise in front of everyone, but she didn't expect that Jungwon will do this.

"As everyone know, I always makes her sad because of me. It's my fault everyone, but now that I regret it already. I'm begging for you forgiveness, Yerim. Please forgive me, can you accept-"

The mic turning off without he could finished his words, the situation was awkward around Yerim as everyone looking at her with various reaction. She lowering her gaze as she ashamed of them looks toward her.

Luckily Minji was there to stopped her classmates to coming closer to her, Minji telling everyone to just mind of their own business as she didn't ask any question to Yerim. That's because she already knew it.

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