M A Y B E      I T     R E M I N D S     T H E M     O F     S O M E T H I N G     S P E C I A L     T O     T H E M

I looked away from the centipede as I tried to think of any color, a color that reminded me of something..., 'something...special?', that was until something came to mind...


"Blue?", I nodded my head, as I raised my digit, ready to explain.

S P E C I F I C A L L Y      M I D N I G H T     B L U E

I T     R E M I N D S     M E     O F     T H E     F I R S T     N I G H T     I     W A S     O U T

"There would be nights where we finished patrol, after we searched every corner of the city for any bad activity, whether that was from thugs or fighting Shredder's goons...and on silence nights...I would sit on a roof top, relaxing as the sound of silence was all I could hear after a stress-filled day...", I remembered those nights, memories of us just barely leaving the lair to go on patrol, looking up at that beautifully dark sky, it was nice..., "Did you not like the morning sky?...", I shook my head, the morning was never my favorite, sure the skies and sunrises were stunning, but..., "The few times I got to witness the morning, dusk, heck even dawk...none of them ever were as beautiful as the midnight sky, during the day it was just constant noise, cars honking, sounds of people talking loudly amongst each other, the morning was never quiet..."

P L U S      A T     N I G H T     W A S     W H E N     I     C O U L D     H A N G O U T      W I T H     M Y      F A V O R I T E      H U M A N S

W H A T     W E R E     T H E I R     N A M E S

A P R I L     A N D     C A S E Y

T H E Y     W E R E     T H E     F I R S T     H U M A N S     I     E V E R     M E T

'First, it was April and her dad....then Murakami...then Casey...then Mom, and now...no one, the only humans I ever met...I will never see ever again, but it's fine, it's worth being with my brother once again...', my throat clenched at the thought, never meeting my friends...my family, my throat felt tight and my eyes strung, I am doing this for him, for his trust and for his kids...'I'll no longer feel like a burden...ever since Mikey left I was the only one left in the B team, but now...I am finally no longer the last choice...

D O     Y O U     M I S S     T H E M

I knew what they were talking about...my friends...my family..., "Of course I do, how could I not, I mean they're my family, my friends. We may have had our ups and downs, but it's nothing we can get past...I know we can...", that's just part of life...brothers being jerks to one another, just messing around, that's what we do, that's what siblings do...

D O     Y O U     T H I N K     H E    M I S S E S     T H E M

I knew the answer too well, yet part of me wished it wasn't true, "Part of me...thinks-, wishes that he missed them, missed his old family-", I sighed tiredly as I leaned against the counter, "-but I knew it's not true...", I sighed deeply as I looked away, staring up at the small lab that Mikey sat inside, taking gentle care of his small kids, "I know he moved on without us, I mean he disowned us almost three years ago, and within that time he's made two new familys, one with a mother and two sisters, and the other where he had four kids of his own...he's moved on without us, living a better happier life...hah-", I hated crying, but what I hated most was moments of weakness like this one, it felt uncomfortable, I hated this..., "Mikey's life was so much worse than ours...he lived through life, being degraded by his own family, it wasn't degrading like normal siblings do like calling out something dumb, like my teeth gap, no...we did so much worse than that...I've been wishing I was better, a better brother who treated him like my equal, not like he was lower than me...I wished I could just shut up my past self, but there's nothing I can do, but...fix my mistake, being a better turtle- a better brother..."

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