Draco Malfoy x Reader

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Summary: You've secretly been dating Draco since your third year and everyone finds out. 

Warnings: Mentions of torture, and parental neglect 

Author's Note: Requested by @JulzLovDraco4Eva. My plan for this week is I already have something planned for tomorrow but other than that I don't have anything planned so I'll be able to do requests quickly. I am also planning to go see Dune Part 2 at some point this week so there will probably be either a Paul Atredis imagine or Timothée Chalamet imagine at some point this week as well.

I wake up and look around my dormitory making sure everyone is still asleep and luckily they are. I get up from my bed and quietly grab my shoes and make my way out of the dormitory and into the corridor. I look around when I feel someone tug my hand. I gasp as I'm pulled into an alcove and lips are pressed against mine. 

I relax upon realizing it's my boyfriend Draco. We had been dating since our third year and it was now our sixth year. I smile as he gently tucks a piece of hair behind my ear. Neither of our friends knew that we were dating since we were in rival houses. Draco says, "Come one darling let's go." 

We make our way out of the alcove and through the quiet and dark castle until we're out by the lake. Draco wraps his arm around my shoulders and I rest my head on his shoulder. Little did we know, it would all come crashing down. 

I was in Hogsmeade with Harry, Ron, and Hermione and we were walking down the main street laughing and talking. It was the first Hogsmeade trip of the year. The trio walks into one of the shops while I stay outside, I feel someone drag me into an alley with their hand over my mouth and I struggle against them but I feel my world turn upside down as I experience the familiar sensation of apparating. 

     When the world rights itself I see I'm in a big room that looks like a house. I see a group of three people standing off to the side, one of them is a man with long blonde hair, the other two are women one with curly black hair and the other has blonde hair with black streaks. I look around confused as the curly haired woman says, "We'll put her in the cellar until Draco gets here." 

I'm roughly grabbed and dragged down a flight of stairs to a dark, cold, damp basement. I'm thrown to the floor as the door slams shut. A few minutes later someone comes back down and I'm chained to the wall. I feel panic rising in my chest since I didn't know what was going ono r what was going to happen to me. I hear my stomach grumble since I hadn't eaten for several hours by this point. I hear voices coming from upstairs but I can't make out what they're saying. 

I hear footsteps walking down the stairs and I see the same three people as before but this time Draco is with them. Both of our eyes widen when we see each other but the woman with dark curly hair is grinning from ear to ear. She pulls out her wand and yells, "Crucio!" 

I feel white hot pain shoot through my entire body and I cry out in pain. Suddenly the pain stops, I'm panting for breath and I have sheen of sweat covering my face. I see Draco looking pained as the spell lands on me once more. 

I spend all of my time in the dungeon, no food or water and when I do get visitors they only torture me. I lose sense of time and I can feel myself weakening. I'm barely able to keep my eyes open. I hear the door open and quick footsteps coming down the stairs. I mentally prepare myself for more torture as the footsteps stop in front of me. 

I hear a voice say, "Come on darling open those eyes." I do as the voice says and I see Draco in front of me. His hair is disheveled and his eyes are red. He unlocks my cuffs and I collapse into his arms. I hear him say, "I'm going to get you out of here but we don't have a lot of time." 

He helps me up and he brings me upstairs as I continue to struggle to stay awake. He snaps his fingers and my world flips as we apparate. When the world is right once more I see we're on a beach with a cottage in the distance. I can't stay conscious any longer and I collapse but Draco catches me.

When I wake up next I'm on a soft plush bed. I look over and see Draco holding my hand and he looks up at me distressed. He says, "I'm so sorry love I didn't mean to get you involved. I didn't think they would find out." 

He kisses my hand as the door opens. I see Harry, Ron, and Hermione walk in. I look between them and Draco, he stands up from his spot next to me uncertain. I decide to talk first and say, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you I was dating him but I love him." 

Everyone is silent at my confession and look between me and Draco. Draco clears his throat and says, "Look my parents never really cared about me or showed me any affection and I thought I'd never find someone until I found Y/N. I never wanted her to get hurt." 

To my surprise, I see he's crying, I see the trio sharing a look and Harry says, "It's very clear you care about Y/N and you weren't a part of her getting taken. However, it is going to take some time for us to trust you." 

Draco nods in understanding before the trio leaves to give us some alone time. Draco moves to the bed, and takes my hand once more as he asks, "Did you really mean it when you said you love me?" 

I nod, and before he can ask any other questions I say, "Yes and that means despite what happened." I feel him relax as I lean against him. I knew that no matter what would come, we would be able to face it together. 

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