Joey Tribbiani x Reader

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Summary: Joey keeps flirting with you and you keep ignoring it thinking it doesn't mean anything. 

Warnings: None just cheesy pickup lines.  

Author's Note: I have wanted to do a Friends imagine for a few weeks now but in light of recent events I decided to wait a little bit. I will also probably post a tribute one later this week. But without further ado here is my first Friends imagine. 

I walk into Central Perk and join the rest of the group and as soon as I've sat down Joey immediately asks, "How you doin'." I roll my eyes at him and ignore it as I turn to the conversation. Joey had been flirting with me non-stop for weeks and I had decided to ignore it since he flirts with basically any woman and it probably didn't mean anything even though I wanted it to. I feel a tap on my arm and I turn and see Joey looking at me with a smirk before he asks, "Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" I reply snarkily, "No. But I did scrape my knees crawling out of hell." Everyone begins laughing at my response, leaving Joey speechless. 

Over the next few weeks, the flirting gets more and more frequent ranging from cheesy pickup lines like "If I could rearrange the alphabet I would put u next to me." Or "You look like you might be suffering from a lack of vitamin me." On this particular day, I had finally had enough. I slump down onto the couch in Monica and Rachel's apartment and let out a frustrated and annoyed groan, and Rachel asks, "What's wrong?" I reply, "I'm sick of Joey's constant flirting. It's getting annoying to have to put up with new cheesy pickup lines everyday." Once I'm done talking Monica says, "Why don't you just go talk to him about it." I stand up and say, "Great why didn't I think of that." I leave the apartment and go across the hall and knock, after a minute or so the door opens to reveal Joey. He smirks at me and before he can even say anything I say, "Don't even say it." I walk past him into the apartment. 

Once inside I turn around and face him and he says, "What can I do for you?" I reply, "I'm only going to say this once. Stop with the flirting." I watch as Joey just grins before asking, "Any particular reason why?" I reply getting more annoyed, "Because it's annoying." He's still looking at me smiling as he asks, "Are you sure that's the only reason?" I finally snap and say, "No it's not. I'm sick of the flirting because I know it doesn't mean anything." I watch as the smile fades from his lips and he asks, "What do you mean?" I sigh and say, "I like you okay as more than a friend. But I know you wouldn't like me like that. So that's why I don't want you flirting with me anymore because every time you do it means something to me but not to you." I finish talking and go to leave but he grabs my wrist before saying, "Who says it didn't mean anything?" I stare at him dumbfounded as he continues, "I was flirting with you because I like you and I didn't know what else to do. I'm sorry if it got on your nerves." It takes me a minute to process what he's said and when I do I ask softly, "You like me?" He replies enthusiastically, "Of course I do. You're beautiful, funny, and smart." I stare at him and I can feel my face flame at his compliments and I hear him ask, "So what would you say if I asked you to go to dinner with me tomorrow?" I look at him smiling before saying, "I would say yes." I watch as his face lights up and he says, "Okay I'll see you tomorrow." With that I walk out of the apartment and back over to Rachel and Monica's. 

When I walk in they both tun to look at me and Rachel asks, "Well how did it go?" I reply still in a daze, "It went fine." I go to walk to my room when I hear Monica say, "Well it looks to me like it went a little more than okay." I hear bother her and Rachel giggle but I ignore it and in doing so miss the knowing look that they pass between them.   

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