Young!Coriolanus Snow x Reader

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Summary: You have a secret relationship with Corio until you get found out.

Warnings: Heavy makeout and brief inappropriate comment

Author's Note: Quite a few people have requested more content for Young! Snow, with the high demand, I have been debating whether I should do a separate book for him. I won't start it until after this one is finished but please let me know if you would be interested. This imagine was requested by 0AgentHayes0 

I slam the door to my locker and much to my annoyance but also delight Coriolanus Snow is casually leaning against the locker next to me smirking. I roll my eyes at his stupid face with his stupid perfectly coifed hair and unusually blue eyes. I snap out, "What do you want?" 

A look of fake hurt crosses his face before he says, "What I can't say hello to my girlfriend?" 

To most people Corio and I were rivals, always arguing in class both too proud to back down from our point of view. But behind closed doors and away from prying students we were dating. Trying to fight a smile I say, "You wish I was your girlfriend." 

I double check I have everything for class before walking a little further down the hall to meet my best friend. 

I was sitting next to my best friend in Professor Highbottom's class watching as Corio debated something with him. I hear my best friend snicker and I look at her with an accusing look and they give me a guilty look. As the debate continues my best friend leans over and whispers in my ear, "He's so handsome. I wonder what he's like in bed." 

I feel anger start to boil in my chest and force myself not to say anything. He was MY boyfriend and I was the only one allowed to know that. I watch as he finally sits back down next to his friend Sejanus Plinth. I notice Sejanus nudge Corio before nodding in my direction. Corio follows his gaze to land on me causing me to quickly look away. 

At lunch, I stab my food with a little more force than what is needed as I shoot daggers at Corio across the cafeteria. If looks could kill he would be dead. I watch as he laughs at something one of his friends said and I watch as his mouth lifts into a rare smile. 

I find myself staring at his lips and remembering all the stolen kisses we'd shared. How soft they were against mine as well as how gentle and loving they were. I pull myself from my thoughts and abruptly stand up from my spot while muttering a vague excuse to my friend before walking into the hall. 

I'm waiting inside the doorway of a supply closet as I wait for Corio. I hear a pair of footsteps and based on the sound I can tell it's my boyfriend. As he goes to walk past me I grab his sleeve and pull him into the closet with me before shutting the door which swallows us in darkness. 

All that can be heard is our breathing in the small space. I hear Corio ask slightly annoyed, "What was that for?" 

I roll my eyes even though he can't see me before I close the remaining space between us and my lips are crashing against his. The kiss gets heated fast, hour fingers quickly tangle in each other's hair and he's backing me up against the wall. I barely register the sound of a mop hitting the floor knocked over in our haste. 

As I'm pinned against the wall, Corio removes his lips from mine and I say panting, "You're one of the most annoying people I've ever met." 

Before I can say anything else, I feel a gasp escape my lips as I feel Corio sucking a hickey onto my neck. My knees turn to jelly and if Corio wasn't holding me up I probably would have hit the floor. 

Corio returns his attention to my lips and I play with the little hairs at the back of his neck. Our moment is rudely interrupted as the door to the closet is flung open and light streams in. 

Corio and I practically jump away from each other like we've been electrocuted. There's no denying what we've been doing since both of our shirts are rumpled and our hair is a mess. We look at the surprised faces of our friends and my best friend shouts, "What the hell Y/N?! I thought you hated him." 

I shrug before I respond casually, "Yeah I still do just not as much." 

My friend's mouth is still hanging open as Sejanus asks, "How long has this been going on?" 

Corio responds, "A couple of months." By this point, they're both speechless like they can't believe this is happening. 

Finally, my friend can pull themself together as they say in an accusing tone, "You both have a lot of explaining to do." Before walking away with Sejanus following after. 

Once they're gone I say, "Well that could have gone better don't you think?" 

I hear Corio chuckle before he nudges me and says, "We should get to class. Oh and good luck covering that hickey." I punch his shoulder and quickly fix myself before walking out into the hall. 

The next day when Corio and I arrive at the academy whispers follow us as we walk and people stare. I guess word had gotten around that we had been caught making out in the supply closet yesterday. Corio takes my hand and gives it a reassuring squeeze as we make our way through the crowd of students.   

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