Peter Pevensie x Reader

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Summary: Being Peter's girlfriend and getting kidnapped by the White Witch. 

Warnings: Mentions of blood and near death. 

Author's Note: This was requested by @JulzLovDraco4Eva. So looking ahead for this week I am going home for spring break tomorrow (Huzzah!) which means I will have plenty of writing time this weekend and next week. Now I already have something planned for Friday and Saturday but other than that I will do any requests that come in on Sunday.  

We're standing at the river as the ice melts and breaks and we can hear wolves howling in the distance. I cling tightly to Peter as we cautiously walk onto the ice. Suddenly, from above the wolves jump down cutting us off. Peter draws his sword pointing at the wolf who seemed to be the leader. 

I look up as the waterfall starts to unfreeze, and I shout, "Peter!" He drives his sword down into the ice cutting us off from the wolves but I'm towards the edge and I feel something grab me and pull me back screaming. I see one of the wolves has grabbed my coat and pulled me off the ice float. I watch as my boyfriend and his family float down the river as I'm taken to the White Witch. 

I'm tied to a tree and have a black eye and split lip. The Witch's servant Ginarrbrik had been asking me nonstop questions most of which I didn't know the answer to. I had plenty of time to think and I find myself thinking about Peter often and how I would probably never see him again. 

The day of the battle was fast approaching and I was quickly losing hope of ever seeing Peter again. It was evident that the White Witch was weakening since winter had left Narnia. For the first time in weeks, I'm standing and being dragged behind the White witch as we march to the battlefield. 

My hands are tied in front of me as I walk along the Witch's chariot as we get to a wide-open grassy area. I look ahead and I can barely make out Aslan's army and I can't help but wonder if Peter was there. I silently pray that Peter will be okay as the battle starts. 

I'm stuck by the Witch's side for the battle and we're in rocks. Peter is in front of us and the Witch is holding her knife to my throat as I have tears falling down my cheeks. I say softly, "Peter please." 

Peter charges forward swinging his sword and the Witch moves me into the path of the sword before Peter can stop himself. I feel a warm sensation spreading over my middle and feel blood soaking my hand. Peter looks mortified at what he's done while the Witch smiles triumphantly. 

My vision is going in and out as I try to stay conscious as I watch Peter battle the Witch. Peter is struggling, that is until Aslan jumps on top of her and quickly finishes it. I'm gasping for air at the point and can't fight against unconsciousness for much longer. 

Peter kneels down by me and rests my head in his lap and I see tears falling down his cheeks as he says, "I'm so sorry baby. I didn't know." He sniffles, and I manage to get out, "It's not your fault." 

I feel my eyes getting heavy but I hear another set of feet approaching and I see Lucy come over next to her brother. She pulls out a flask from her little belt, and a drop falls into my mouth. The liquid is sweet and somewhat fruity but I feel my vision coming back and my eyes are less heavy. 

After only a few moments, I feel back to my usual self. I sit up and look down and see that I'm completely healed. Once I'm sitting up, Peter wraps me up in a tight hug. I he holds me close to him and when he pulls away quickly kisses me. He pulls away and I hear him say, "I thought I lost you." 

I smile at him and say, "I'm still here." With that, the rest of the Pevensie children join us in a group hug. Aslan leads us to Cair Paraval where the Pevensie's are crowned as kings and queens. It's only a few years later when Peter and I get married and start our life together.   

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