Billy Hargrove x Reader

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Summary: What if at the end of season 3, you died instead of Billy?

Warnings: Spoilers for season 3 of Stranger Things, character death, angst, swearing, blood. 

Author's Note: So I haven't written for Billy yet but I am rewatching Stranger Things and forgot how hot Billy was. Also, I thought this prompt fit for him. Sorry, this is a little darker than what I usually write. and this will all be from Billy's Point of View. 

Prompt: 'Till the sun don't shine, you will still be mine.  

I had met her when I moved to the shit hole that was Hawkins, Indiana. Walking into the school and ignoring all the obvious stares I was receiving from the girls. The reason she caught my attention was because she didn't chase after me like all the other girls. She acted like I didn't exist. 

I had first spent time with her when we were partnered up for a class project. I really didn't care about school but I put in the effort to keep my dad happy and off my ass. The more time I spent with her the more comfortable I felt around her. 

I'd only known her for about a month when I finally opened up to her about my dad. She was understanding and offered her place to me. She also became quite close with Max. It wasn't a surprise to Max when I finally asked her to be my girlfriend. 

She became my sun in the storm that was my life. As long as the sun was shining I knew she would be mine. 

I knew getting her involved with what was going on in Hawkins was a bad idea but she was so goddamn stubborn. She insisted on staying with me and Max while everything happened. 

It was summer, and had been a few months since everything had happened but I had noticed that it was starting to come back. I look at the sleeping figure next to me and run my hand through her hair. I didn't want to lose her, she was the best thing in my life since my mom died and all I wanted to do was protect her. 

Since we started dating, she has slowly made me a better person. I was more patient with Max and less angry all the time. Her y/h/c and y/e/c brought me comfort when I needed it most. Even just seeing her y/h/c in the hall at school made my day infinitely better. But I knew it was too good to last. 

   I watch as the mind flayer stalks towards El ready to ready to devour her. Before I can react Y/N is jumping in front of her. The only thing I can manage to yell out is, "Y/N!" Before the mind flayer attaches one of its tentacles to her side. I scream as another attaches to her other side before a third and final one goes into her chest.  

Max is trying to hold me back while the mind flayer is being assaulted by fireworks. Once it's gone there's no stopping me from going to Y/N's side. She has blood across her lips and down her chin I wipe it away. Her usually bright y/e/c are slightly dulled and she's struggling to breathe. I bring her up onto my lap and run my hand over her hair. 

I feel tears falling down my cheeks, something I hadn't felt in a long time. Between my sniffles, I manage to say, "Come on stay with me." She manages to give me a weak smile and gasp out, "Billy?" I softly say, "Yeah?" She takes a few moments to get what breath and energy she can before she can get out, "I'll always be yours right?" I give her a small smile and in a shaky voice say, "Yeah, you'll always be mine." 

She manages to weakly nod before her body goes slack and the light completely leaves her eyes. And just like that, my sun stopped shining.  

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