Finn Hudson x Reader

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Summary: You're Puck's little sister and have a crush on his best friend Finn.  

Warnings: None

Author's Note: Another request for JulzLovDraco4Eva. I am still taking requests so if you want something for me to write please message me on Wattpad. And thank you all so much for all the love and support it means so much to me. 

I was a sophomore at McKinley High School while my brother was a junior, my brother who just so happened to be the school bad boy Noah Puckerman. However, he decided to join the school's Glee club with his best friend Finn and has since started to become a better person. I had a problem though, I had a huge crush on his best friend Finn but he would never see me like that and besides, all the other girls in the school wanted him for themselves. 

I walk down the hall when I hear singing coming from the music room. I slow my walk as I pass by and smile at the sight that greets me inside. My brother is playing his guitar while a few people sing but what I find myself focusing on is Finn. He sits in one of the chairs smiling while he watches everyone have fun. Suddenly, his eyes shift from in front of him to over by the door landing on me. I feel my cheeks blush and I quickly rush off down the hall. 

I so badly wanted to meet the rest of the Glee Club members, I had seen them around the halls but I never knew their names. I was usually a little shy around new people and my brother never wanted to put me in a position where I was uncomfortable so I had never met them. 

I had accompanied them to nationals and sectionals many times and each time I did I would wait in anticipation for Finn to start singing. The first time I heard him sing I got goosebumps and all I wanted to do was sit and listen to him sing for the rest of my life. 

I walk into the house as I come back from my walk in the park and I'm immediately met with about fifteen extra people. It takes my brain a minute to put together that my brother has invited the glee club to our house. They all look up as I enter and I feel warmth rush through my body at the unexpected attention. Before anyone can talk Puck walks in and notices me standing in the doorway. His eyes widen as he says, "Hey, sorry I didn't let you know they would be here I hope it's okay." 

I take a deep breath before replying, "Yeah um it's fine." I walk past the group into the kitchen to grab a glass of water. I see my brother follow me into the kitchen and I ask, "How did you guys do at your competition?" 

His face lights up which is unusual and something I haven't seen in a while but he says, "We won which is why everyone is over here celebrating." 

I nod and am about to go to my room before my brother says, "Wait. I think it's about time I introduce you to everyone." I feel my heart start to race since this is something I have wanted for some time now. 

He leads me back into the front room and I stand next to him as he goes around the room and introduces me to everyone. I say hello to everyone and am happy that I can finally put names to faces. They spend most of the day at the house until the early evening when most of them have left except Finn. 

My brother is in the kitchen ordering us a pizza and I feel a little nervous at being alone in the same room as Finn. He clears his throat as he asks, "How's school going?" 

I replied nervously, "Um it's going okay. Yeah, classes are going well." Before Finn can ask me another question my brother walks back into the room announcing that pizza will be here in twenty minutes. 

The night goes on and we have a movie playing on the TV, which to my surprise my brother let me pick. We're about halfway through the movie when my brother stands up and states, "I'm going to bed. Y/N don't stay up too late, and Finn you can either sleep here on the couch or somewhere else." We watch as he walks down the hall towards his room leaving us alone. 

The movie finishes and Finn and I end up talking. I'm surprised by how much my brother told him about me especially since he never used to acknowledge me in school. Finn seems to be genuinely taking an interest in some of my hobbies that I'm telling him about. It starts getting later and later and without realizing it we've moved so we're sitting next to each other. 

I'm having difficulties maintaining my composure at our proximity and Finn asks, "Can I tell you a secret?" I nod my head as he reaches into his pocket and pulls out his wallet. To my surprise, he shows me the inside and there's a small picture of me. 

I see his cheeks are pink and I ask, "Why do you have a picture of me in your wallet?" He states simply, "Because I like you. You're beautiful, smart, and you make my day better and so I have something to look at when I don't see you at school." 

My heart is beating at a million miles an hour at his confession and I ask, "You like me? Out of all the girls at school? Why didn't you say anything?" 

He sighs before saying, "I didn't want to say anything because your brother is my best friend and I didn't want him to get mad at me for dating his sister." I laugh at his comment knowing that my brother can be protective of me at times but my laugh is cut off when I feel a pair of lips on mine. 

I freeze for a moment before I start to kiss back. We both pull away when we need air but when we do we're both smiling like two lovestruck idiots. Finn's hand is cupping my cheek and he asks, "Would you like to be my girlfriend?" 

I frantically nod my head yes before jumping up and running to my brother's room. I throw open his door and begin shaking him awake while Finn stands in the doorway. My brother rolls over and asks in an annoyed voice, "What?" I reply excitedly, "Finn and I are dating." 

This wakes him up because he sits up in his bed and looks from me to Finn standing in the doorway. My brother runs his hand over his face as he says, "Okay. But Finn, I swear if you hurt her in any way, shape, or form I won't hesitate to kick your ass." 

Finn nods from the doorway as my brother says, "And I don't want any shenanigans between you two tonight." At this comment, both Finn and I quickly leave with our faces flaming and the tips of our ears red as we go back to the couch in the front room. 

Finn settles on the couch first and I settle in next and he wraps his arm around me so we're cuddling. Finn kisses the top of my head and I feel chills go through my body. I couldn't believe that this was happening right now, it felt like a dream. I ask shyly, "What's going to happen at school tomorrow?" 

He says, "Well, when I see you tomorrow I'm going to kiss you and everyone's going to know that you're my girlfriend." I feel my cheeks flame at his bluntness but at the same time, I'm happy I finally get to call him mine.  


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