Fred Weasley x Ravenclaw! Reader

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Summary: Your best friend and crush asks you to go to the Yule Ball with him.

Warnings: None

Author's Note: Actually surprised I haven't done a Harry Potter one yet. But this was requested by Polli2123.

I walk into the Great Hall with a scowl on my face as I take a seat at my table. I look around at all the smiling couples giggling and smiling together. I roll my eyes annoyed as I aggressively eat my breakfast. 

Hogwarts had been selected to host the Triwizard tournament and around Christmas we would have the Yule Ball. All of my friends had been asked by someone and had dates except for me which made me bitter. 

It wasn't that I didn't want to go it's just the person I wanted to take me hadn't asked me yet and probably already had a date or didn't see me like that. My best friend and crush Fred Weasley. 

We had met during second year when Professor McGonagall had asked me to help him so he could pass transfiguration and we had been friends ever since but I had secretly fallen for him. 

I sigh stand up from my spot and begin making my way out of the Great Hall when I hear footsteps rushing to catch up to me. I look and see that it's Fred. He has one of his usual smiles on his face and he asks excitedly, "You excited for the Yule Ball?" 

I roll my eyes and say with dripping sarcasm, "Oh yeah I'm super excited." 

Fred seems taken aback by my lack of enthusiasm and grabs the sleeve of my robe and drags me over to the edge of the hallway he looks into my y/e/c and asks, "Okay what's wrong?" 

I sigh as I scuff my shoe along the floor of the castle and I say, "I don't think I'm going to the Ball. I don't have a date and seeing everyone so happy with their significant others is making me feel grumpy." 

Fred is quiet before he asks, "What do you mean you don't have a date? No one's asked you?" 

I shake my head missing the surprised look on Fred's face. Before I can say anything else Fred is quickly saying, "Look I need to go." Before quickly rushing off into the crowd of students. 

The next morning I wake up and get ready for the day and it takes me a moment to register that something is sitting at the end of my bed. I get up and go over for a closer look and see it's a pile of books. My fingers skim over the titles and I realize they're all ones that I've wanted but never had time to get. 

For the first time in a few weeks, I walk into the Great Hall with a smile on my face and a little bit of pep in my step. I don't know who left the books for me since there wasn't a note left with them. 

As the day goes on I try and figure out who left the books for me but everyone I ask claims they don't know leaving me frustrated. 

The next morning I wake up to boxes of chocolates on my bedside table and this time it comes with a note that says Roses are red, violets are blue, something sweet, for someone as sweet as you- Your secret admirer

As the week goes on I keep getting little gifts and notes until finally at the end of the week I get a note saying, Meet me at the top of the astronomy tower tonight at eight. I look around still no closer to finding out who my secret admirer was. 

The castle is dark and quiet as I make my way through the halls towards the astronomy tower. I climb the stairs eager and nervous to see who would be waiting at the top for me. 

When I eventually get to the top I'm disappointed when I don't see anyone there. I walk around the whole tower until I find a piece of paper. I pick it up and in the same handwriting as the other notes from the week it says I like you, you like me, let's go to the ball, shall we? 

I hear the floor creak from behind me and I turn around to see none other than Fred standing there. I feel my heart starting to race in my chest as I ask, "What are you doing here?" Secretly hoping that he's the one who's been giving me the gifts and leaving the notes for me all week. 

His eyes drift down to the piece of paper in my hand and he says, "Actually I'm here about that." 

I can't believe what he's saying and I'm pulled from my trance when he says, "So what do you say?" 

I want to say yes but I have to know so I ask, "Do you mean as friends or as something more?" 

Fred looks at me dumbfounded before he says, "For someone in Ravenclaw you can be dense sometimes. I want to go with you as something more. Didn't you read the note?" 

I look down and read the note over again my eyes fixating on the first line and letting it sink in. I look back up at him and ask, "You like me?" 

He moves closer to me and takes my hands in his and staring into my eyes he says, "Of course I do. I wouldn't have gotten you all those books and chocolate if I didn't." 

I laugh as I bring my hand up to cup his cheek and I say, "Yes of course I'll go to the ball with you." 

Fred lets out a relieved sigh and together we both start to laugh. And as we laugh I realize something about the poem. I ask, "Wait, how did you find out that I liked you?" 

He gets a sheepish look on his face before he says, "Don't be mad but George told me." 

I let out a groan knowing that I shouldn't have told him I liked his brother but I couldn't be too mad about it. Fred and I are still holding hands and he says, "Come on we should probably get back to our dorms." 

I nod and we begin to descend the tower together. About halfway down Fred stops causing me to stop as well. He turns around on his step and he asks, "Before I forget, would you like to be my girlfriend?" 

I roll my eyes before leaning down and quickly press my lips to his in a quick kiss before pulling away and I ask, "Does that answer your question?" 

He nods still in a daze and we continue back to our respective dorms giggling like the lovestruck teenagers we are. 

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