Dean Winchester x Reader

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Summary: You're on your period and Dean takes care of you 

Warnings: Just talk of periods and blood 

Author's Note: Yes I know I already did a Jensen imagine but I'm a Dean girl. Also, this is an expanded version of the preference from my Supernatural Imagines and Preference book which I recommend checking out if you haven't already. Sorry if you don't like any of these foods that are in here but feel free to change them if you want. Y/f/s means your favorite show.   

You wake up without your boyfriend Dean next to you which makes you a little sad but you get up and stalk to the kitchen. As you enter the kitchen you get a "Good morning" from Dean but all you do is grunt in response as you make your way to the fridge. Once you reach the fridge you pull out the orange juice, grab a glass, and pour the rest of the orange juice into the glass. You look up and see Sam and Dean looking at each other and you just scowl. Dean comes over to you and asks "Are you okay?" You snap back "I'm fine." You turn back to your orange juice and sit in silence. After a few minutes, you go to take a sip of your orange juice only to find that it is empty. You stare at the empty glass for a minute before you begin to cry. As soon as you start to cry Dean is by your side and asks "What's wrong baby?" You manage to get out "I finished the orange juice." Dean asks "Is it that time of the month?" You just nod your head and he goes over to Sam and whispers in his ear and Sam leaves. Dean comes back over and picks you up and carries you back to your shared room. He sets you down on the bed and climbs up next to you and you curl up on his chest and just cuddle for a little bit. 

You're woken from your comfortable position on Dean's bed when you feel him shaking you and you open your eyes and see his gorgeous candy apple green eyes looking at you and he says, "Come on you need to get up." You groan as a wave of cramps rolls through your body and you roll over so you're no longer looking at your boyfriend. No sooner have you rolled over than you feel your boyfriend tugging you off the bed by your waist before throwing you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and carrying you to the kitchen. He sets you down on the counter and stands in front of you while running his hands over your sides as he asks, "Now, what does my girlfriend want to eat?" You mumble out, "I'm not hungry." You're hungry but don't want him to judge you for your cravings but Dean says, "No, I know you're hungry you've barely eaten all day. Now what do you want to eat?" You know he's not going to give up so you say, "I want some chocolate and fries." Dean sighs before he responds, "Okay but you need actual food so I'm going to run and grab you some chocolate and fries but I'll also bring you back a cheeseburger. Okay?" You nod as he places a kiss on your forehead and he says, "I want you to go get comfy and pick out something to watch okay?" You nod once more as he grabs the keys to baby and I make my way back to the bedroom. 

You scroll through Netflix until you come across y/f/s and come to a stop. You hear the door open and see Dean with his hands full of food, you quickly jump up from the bed to help him, but when you turn around you hear Dean say, "Uh baby, you got a little something on your pants." You feel your face flame and quickly set down the food before going over to your drawer and grabbing a pair of underwear before grabbing a pair of Dean's sweatpants. Once in the bathroom you strip off your pants and underwear and see that the blood has soaked through both and you groan in annoyance as you see the massacre that has become your underwear and pants. 

Once you clean yourself up you head over to the sink to start making an attempt on removing some of the stain. You scrub for about ten minutes and nothing is happening and you let out a cry of frustration trying not to cry in your overly emotional state when you hear a knock on the door. You sniffle once before saying, "Come in." Dean opens the door and pokes his head in and sees you standing at the sink and makes his way over, he gently takes your hand and removes the ruined underwear and pants from them as he says, "Come on baby you can worry about that later." You huff out, "No I really can't I need to clean it before it sets in." You start scrubbing harder but Dean stops you and says, "Hey, hey it's okay baby. I'll take care of it okay?" You nod and leave the bathroom and make your way over to the bed and settle in with your food before Dean comes over next to you. He puts his arm around you and you snuggle into his side as Dean presses play on Netflix.  

Multi-Fandom ImaginesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora