Peter Pevensie x Reader

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Summary: Being Aslan's adopted daughter and Aslan has arranged for you to marry High King Peter

Warnings: None just fluff and cuteness. 

Author's Note: Requested by JulzLOvDraco4Eva. Thank you so much for all the requests you've been sending me. 

I had been in Aslan's camp for some time now, waiting for the arrival of the Pevensie children. Word had quickly spread through Narnia that they had arrived and everyone was waiting for them to come. 

Since they had arrived there had been changes throughout Narnia that the White Witch's power was weakening and spring was returning to Narnia. I walk through the camp when everyone begins talking excitedly and feel a shift in the air. 

 I walk to my father's tent and take my seat beside him. We wait a few minutes before my father's second-in-command walks in and announces that the Pevensie children have arrived. He holds the flap of the tent open and they file in. 

I feel nervous as soon as I see them, but the oldest catches my eye. With his blonde hair, and green eyes. My father talks with them before allowing them to leave and go to their respective tents. I stand up from my spot next to him and my father says, "I'm trusting you to keep an eye on them." I nod before leaving and going to my tent.   

Over the next few days, I keep an eye on the Pevensie children and follow them to their training but also spend some one-on-one time with them. I get closer to Susan and Lucy who both take a liking to me. Edmund and I get along decently enough but it's Peter who I feel drawn to. 

I feel like he's a magnet and he's pulling me in. I'm constantly wanting to be around him and I feel a connection between us but I'm not sure if it's just me or if he feels something too. 

Peter and I are on a rock outcropping overlooking the valley and we're laughing and I rest my head on his shoulder as we watch the sunset. We're walking back through camp and darkness has fallen. I'm still smiling as we arrive at my tent and Peter says, "Well good night." Before quickly leaning down and kissing my cheek leaving me flustered. 

The next day, my father summoned me to his tent. When I walk in I see Peter already there. He looks up at me as I enter and I wonder what he's doing here. I go over and stand by Peter and my father. My father turns to face us and says, "Now, I would like to talk to you both about the future of Narnia." 

I nod unsure of where this is going but my dad continues, "I would like you and Peter to wed." I look at Peter with my mouth hanging open and Peter looks just as surprised as me. I feel my heart thudding not sure if Peter would be willing or not. 

I look at Peter uncertainly but he says, "I would love to." I feel relief fill my body. Peter moves closer to me and takes my hand before he asks, "I would love to marry you. If you're okay with it." I nod and Peter kisses me. 

We walk out of the tent smiling, Peter and I have decided to wait to announce our new engagement until after the battle. Peter takes me to my tent and kisses my forehead before I hear him whisper, "I'll see you out there." I nod before walking inside my tent. 

The battle is long and hard, but after many hours we emerge victorious. I'm covered in sweat and breathing heavily and my mind goes to Peter. I immediately begin walking through the battle ground until I spot him. He's looking around frantically until he spots me. 

As soon as he sees me he's running towards me and we collide in the middle. We rest our foreheads against each other breathing heavily. I see his brother and sisters looking at us confused. Peter has his arm around my waist holding me to his side as his sibling walk closer. I notice Edmund and Susan sharing a knowing glance while Lucy doesn't quite understand. 

My father comes up alongside me and asks, "Are you all ready to take your places at Cair Paraval?" The Pevensie children look nervous as I squeeze Peter's hand. My father looks up at the two of us and asks, "You two have quite a bit of planning to do for your wedding." 

As soon as this information registers Lucy and Susan squeal in excitement and begin bombarding me with questions. I answer each of them with a smile on my face excited to start a new chapter of my life with Peter. 

I'm nervously pacing around my room as nerves fill my body. It had been a few months since the war and today was finally the day that I would be marrying Peter. I hear a knock on my door and in walks Susan and Lucy. 

I stop my pacing as they enter and Susan gives me an encouraging nod and I take a deep breath as we walk downstairs. I stand in front of the large double wooden doors trying to calm my breathing. I hear the music start up from the other side of the doors as they open. 

As I walk down the aisle, I focus on Peter who is wearing formal dress attire and I focus on him the whole time. I make it to the front without tripping and Peter takes my hand in his as my father starts the ceremony. 

The ceremony passes in a blur and before I know it I hear, "You may kiss the bride." Peter doesn't hesitate to lean down capture my lips in a loving kiss. We pull away smiling  and I feel happy finally being able to call him my husband. 

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