Derek Hough x Reader

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Summary: Derek teaching you how to dance. 

Warnings: None 

Author's Note: New person I might be adding to the book depending on how well this part does. I know nothing about ballroom dancing to bear with me. 

 I wander through the house listening to the rain patter against the roof and I let out a bored sigh. I didn't have the motivation to do anything that needed to be done. I look out the window before I get an idea. 

I walk through the house until I find my boyfriend Derek and I knock lightly on the door frame. He looks up at me and I ask in a sweet voice, "Can you teach me to dance?" 

He looks a little surprised at my request but excitedly jumps up from his spot and grabs my hand dragging me to our in-home dance studio. 

We walk in and Derek connects his phone to the speaker while I wait in the middle of the room. Once he's finished he walks back over to me smiling from cheek to cheek before beginning to lecture me on proper form and technique. 

After about five minutes of him talking he takes my hand and guides me into position. He then begins counting out loud before beginning to lead me around the studio. 

As we move across the floor I can't help but start to laugh, happy to be spending this time with the man I love. We come to a stop and Derek asks, "You think you can do it with some music?" 

I nod as he goes to his phone and scrolls for a moment before deciding on a song. He rushes back over to me so as not to miss the start of the song and I hear the opening notes of Perfect by Ed Sheeran. 

We take our positions once more as we begin to dance to the song. The whole time I feel myself falling even more in love with Derek. 

As the song ends, we're just swaying back and forth while my head rests on his chest and he holds me close to him. I hear Derek ask, "Was this an excuse to spend time with me?" 

I shrug before I reply, "Partially but also I was bored." He laughs before moving a piece of hair out of my face as he says, "Well I think we should do this more often." I nod in agreement as we continue to sway. 

That night we're cuddled up in bed together neither of us saying anything but I'm fidgeting with the covers on the bed. A nervous habit I had when I was thinking about something. I hear Derek ask, "Is everything okay?" 

I reply casually, "Yeah. Why?" He doesn't speak for a moment before saying, "Well it's just you're fidgeting which means you have something on your mind." 

I sigh before saying, "Well when we were dancing today I couldn't help but think about the future." I hear Derek ask, "The future?" 

I say, "Yeah if we ever got married." I feel my face flaming and Derek isn't saying anything until I hear him ask, "You think about that?" 

I nod my head a little embarrassed to look at him but I hear him say, "I do too." 

My head snaps up to look at him and I ask, "You do?" He nods before saying, "Yeah. I mean I'd love to marry you. Not right now but at some point in the future." 

I feel my heart soar at this confession and I move closer to him. He wraps his arm around me as we lay down and I fall asleep with a smile on my face thinking of my future.    

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