Jeremy Gilbert x Reader

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Summary: You go to the Mikaelson ball but don't have anyone to dance with until your longtime crush asks you to dance.

Warnings: None.

Author's Note: Again not what I was originally going to publish today. Also, this might be a little long but please bear with me. 

I sigh as I stand in front of the mirror in my room and smooth out my dress and let out a sigh. I had been invited to the Miakelson Ball but I didn't have a date, I didn't even want to go in the first place but I thought it would be rude if I didn't. I grab my mask from my bed as I make my way downstairs. Once I arrive downstairs all my friends start fawning over me but I can't share in their excitement so I just say, "Can we go?" We all climb into the car as we start the drive to the Mikaelson mansion. 

The drive is filled with my friend's excited chatter but I just look out the window quietly wanting this night to already be over. 

We pull up to the mansion which already has dozens of cars parked outside and hundreds of people already inside and many more walking in. I climb out of the car and follow a little behind my friends as we walk up to the mansion. As soon as we step inside I look around in awe at the mansion. I hear music coming from one of the rooms directly to my left and I can see people dancing in there and my friends immediately go there leaving me behind. I sigh softly to myself and walk over standing in the doorway as I watch all the couples dancing to the music that is playing. 

Throughout the night I stand off to the side of the room expecting someone to ask me to dance but much to my disappointment no one does. I set my drink glass down and am about to leave when I feel someone's eyes on me. I look up and I make eye contact with someone who has brown hair and brown eyes. (start video now) I watch as he walks around the edge of the room towards me and when he reaches me he says, "You look beautiful tonight." I feel my heart flutter as I recognize the voice and realize that it's my longtime crush Jeremy Gilbert. I reply shyly, "Thank you." He says, "May I have this dance?" I gently place my hand in his as he leads me to the middle of the dance floor. He places his arm around my waist and we begin to dance. He leads me carefully around the dance floor spinning and twirling me here and there until the song comes to an end and he's holding my waist as he dips me. We're both breathing heavily and I hear him say, "Come with me." He takes my hand and I follow him as he leads me outside, we stop by a fountain and he takes his mask off and I feel my heart stop when I realize how close we are. A piece of hair has fallen in front of my face and he carefully reaches his hand out and tucks it behind my ear. I wait for him to say something before I ask why he brought me out here. He faces me and looks into my eyes and says, "I'm just going to say this. I like you. A lot. I've liked you for years but I could never do anything about it now, seeing you like this and dancing with you I realized that I had to tell you now I couldn't wait another day." I stare at him stunned but quickly regain my thoughts and say, "I like you too. I was too scared to say anything because I thought you could never like me back." He stares at me before smiling and asking, "Well would you mind if we left a little early?" I shake my head and he grabs my hand and I follow him to his car. 

We arrive back at his house and he brings me upstairs throws me a shirt and sweatpants, and says, "You can change in the bathroom." I head to the bathroom and take my dress off and my hair down. I walk out of the bathroom and say, "Hey Jeremy..." Before stopping cold, Jeremy was in the middle of changing and hadn't put on a shirt yet. My eyes widen as I take in his well-muscled and toned chest and I'm pretty sure I can feel myself drooling. I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I hear Jeremy say, "Y/N." I look up at him feeling my face flush and I say, "Oh um is there anything I can use to take off my makeup?" He says, "Yeah I think Elena has some stuff under the sink you can use." I nod and quickly walk back into the bathroom trying to regain my composure and clear my thoughts. Once I've finished, I knock on the door and ask cautiously, "Am I okay to come in?" I hear him shout back, "Yeah." I open the door and much to my relief but also disappointment he has a shirt on and is propped up on his bed. I walk over and lay down and he pulls me into his chest kisses the side of my head and says, "I love you." And that's the last thing I hear before drifting off in his arms. 

Elena's POV: I open the door and set my keys on the table by the door and immediately take my shoes off letting out a huge sigh of relief. I look around and notice the house is quiet, too quiet. I knew Jeremy was here since his car was in the driveway. I walk in a little further and shout, "Jeremy?!" When there's no response I start getting worried, I make my way upstairs and when I get to the landing I see his bedroom door is closed. I go over and I lightly knock and ask, "Jeremy?" When I don't get a response I slowly turn the handle and carefully push the door open. I look around the room before my eyes land on the bed, where Jeremy is asleep with his longtime crush Y/N asleep in his arms. I smile to myself and quietly close the door letting them have their moment together.    

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