David x Reader (Soulmate Au pt 2)

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Summary: Continuation of the earlier part but in this part David tells you he is a vampire.  

Warnings: Mentions of blood

Author's Note: Just wanted to do a second part to this imagine and I haven't written for David in a while either so here you go. 

I had known David for a couple of weeks now and I had grown incredibly close to him in a few short weeks. We were walking along the boardwalk and I was smiling at something that David was telling me. I shiver slightly as a breeze from the water hits me and David to my surprise takes off his prized leather jacket and wraps it around my shoulders as I send him a grateful smile. We come to a stop where David parked his bike, he holds out a hand and helps me climb on before climbing on himself. Once he's settled I wrap my arms around his waist as he turns the bike on and I tighten my grip around his waist as David begins to drive. 

We drive along the path to the bluffs and I smile as I feel the wind whipping the loose strands of hair all over the place and the cold sting of the air as it hits my cheeks and makes my eyes water. I feel the adrenaline coursing through my body causing me to let out bursts of laughter. After about ten minutes David brings the bike to a stop right at the edge of the bluff over overlooking the roaring ocean below. David climbs off and holds out his hand to help me which I accept gratefully. We walk to the edge and look over taking in the salty ocean air and the spray hitting our faces. David takes my hand and gently begins leading me down a path carved into the cliff, making sure that I'm okay until we get to the bottom. 

Once we reach the bottom of the cliff David leads me over to a cave and we walk inside together. Once we get to the main part of the cave I look around in awe, David smiles at my wonder as he walks away from me to give me some space to look around. I run my hand over the chandelier that is in the middle of the cave. My eyes move to the fountain that is next to it. My eyes find David sitting on an old wheelchair and I ask, "What happened here?" He says, "Well they built an amusement park right on the fault line and when the big one hit it went under, and now it's ours." I walk over to where he's sitting and sit right down on his lap and drop my head so it's resting on his shoulder. I feel him begin to run his hand up and down my back and I close my eyes in contentment. The cave is silent for about ten minutes with neither of us wanting to ruin the moment until David says, "Y/N there's something I need to talk with you about." I raise my head and look at him noticing he seems nervous for the first time since I've met him. He looks at me and I ask, "Are you breaking up with me?" His eyes widen in surprise before he quickly says, "No. This is about something else." I nod encouraging him to go on. He hesitates for several minutes before he asks, "Do you believe in myths? I look at him and ask, "You mean like werewolves and stuff?" He laughs and says, "Yes werewolves and stuff." I shrug and say, "Certain things yes. Because there have been somethings throughout history that are unexplainable otherwise." David nods his head before asking, "So what about vampires?" I pause for a moment before responding and forming my answer in my head before responding carefully, "Well if ghosts exist then surely there are vampires." I watch as David nods before he says, "Well I'm a vampire." 

The cave is so silent you could hear a pin drop. I don't know what to say and neither does David. I know I have to be the one to break the silence but before I do I begin to notice certain things that start to make more sense like how we never go out until after dark, how he always asks to come into my house, and some other things. By the time I am done mulling things over in my mind, I'm pretty sure he's telling the truth but I ask anyway, "Can you prove it?" I look at him and see him hesitate once more before he says, "Yes but please promise me that you won't scream okay?" I nod and the next thing I know his face has changed. His eyes are no longer their usual ice blue but instead a deep yellow color, his canine teeth are now fangs about an inch or so long. I gulp and watch as his face shifts back to normal and he says, "Now you know what I am. It is up to you if you want to continue with this or not." I look at him and say, "Why would I want to leave? You're my soulmate." I see a look of relief pass across his face before he says, "Well I guess I better get the bottle then." I stand up and was as he goes to a corner of the cave and grabs what looks like a wine bottle and brings it back over I go to take it but he pulls it away before I can grab it saying, "This is my blood. If you drink this you will turn into one of us. Are you sure you want this?" I look into his blue eyes and nod confidently and watch as he takes the cork out of the bottle and passes it to me. As soon as I raise it to my lips the distinct smell of iron hits my nose. I steel myself and raise the bottle and the blood hits my lips, I bring the bottle down and try not to gag or spit the blood out. I bring the bottle back to my lips and take another sip for good measure and when I bring the bottle back down I see David looking at me impressed. I hand him the bottle back and he places it back in the corner of the cave and says, "You won't be a full vampire immediately you have to make your first kill to be a full vampire." I nod looking around not sure what to do but David says, "Come on let's get some sleep. The sun will be up soon." I follow David over to the bed and lay down on it with him close to me as we sleep waiting for the change to take place.         

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