Chandler Bing x Reader

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Summary: You have a bad day and your boyfriend Chandler helps make it better. 

Warnings: None

Author's Note: I've wanted to do a Chandler Bing imagine for a while but all things considered I wanted to wait an appropriate amount of time. I'm currently on Season 5 so Chandler and Monica are dating and Chandler is literally the ideal boyfriend (in my opinion). Also, the song is not required just recommended. So without further ado let's get into it. R.I.P. Matthew

   I'd had a rough day at work and I was in a bad mood. I walk into Chandler's apartment and close the door behind me and kick off my shoes before sinking into one of the recliners I hear the door to Chandler's room open and he sees my exhausted state and asks, "What's wrong?" I just sigh and say, "Just had a long day?" Chandler's face softens and says, "How about I make you a bath and then we order some food and watch a movie." I nod and I go to the bedroom and grab some of Chandler's clothes before heading to the bathroom where Chandler already has a bath set up with bubbles in it and has a small tray set up with my book resting on it. Chandler kisses the top of my head as he walks past me. I quickly strip off my clothes and climb into the bath and instantly feel my muscles relax. I sit in the bath for about half an hour before climbing out. I put on Chandler's clothes and walk out to see Chandler has set up a blanket on the floor with candles set up as well and I smile at the gesture before I join him on the floor. He passes me a plate with a slice of pizza already on it and I take it and dive right in causing Chandler to laugh. And we spent the rest of the night laughing and spending time together.

That night we're lying in bed together and I whisper out, "Chandler?" I hear him hum in response and I say, "Thanks for today. It means a lot to me." I hear him reply, "Of course anything I can do to make you smile." He kisses the top of my head and we both doze off to sleep. 

The next morning I'm awoken to the sun hitting my face and I groan in annoyance I roll over and reach my arm out searching for Chandler but I find his side of the bed is cold. I sit up running my hand through my hair and stand up from the bed. I open the bedroom door and immediately the smell of pancakes hits my nose, I feel myself wake up a little more and notice Chandler is at the stove cooking. He looks over at me as I walk in and says, "Good morning." I only hum in response before taking a seat at the counter. I watch as Chandler grabs a plate and puts some pancakes on it before sliding it across the counter to me. I send him a grateful smile before digging in, as soon as the first bite hits my mouth I can't help but let out a groan of appreciation. I swallow the bite before asking, "Did you put chocolate chips in these?" Chandler nods with a knowing smirk as I dive back in for a second bite. 

Once I've finished the plate of pancakes I check the time before I say, "I need to get going. I've got work." Chandler shakes his head before saying, "Nope I called saying you were sick. So that means you get to spend the day with me." I let out a squeal of excitement and rushed over and wrapped him in a hug. He wraps his arms holding me close to him and I can't help but be grateful to have such a wonderful and caring boyfriend. 

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