Tobias Eaton x Reader

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Summary: You have a rough day and Tobias helps you.

Warnings: None

Author's Note: Nothing other than I am going through a lot right now and I will not get into details here but writing is an escape for me so if I am posting more than usual that is why. 

I punch the bag in front of me with a look of concentration on my face. I ignore the stinging in my knuckles that are raw from the material of the bag. I hit the bag harder than before over and over again trying to get at least some amount of the rage burning through my body out. I'm breathing heavily sweat is dripping down my chest and a sheen of it covers my face, pieces of my hair are falling in front of my line of vision but I don't stop my punching to move them. I don't hear the footsteps approaching me or notice that someone has joined me in the room until I hear a voice clear. I turn my head and see my boyfriend Four leaning against one of the cement pillars. I stop and step away from the punching bag and he takes that as an invitation to walk closer to me. He asks, "What are you doing up?" I shrug before replying, "I couldn't sleep." He raises his eyebrow and I sigh and say, "Fine I was upset." He smirks at me before saying, "I couldn't tell." I laugh at him and he walks closer to me and places his hands on my hips he asks with concern in his voice, "Is everything okay?" I sigh not wanting to talk about it so I give him the short answer of, "Yeah just a lot right now." He nods and says, "Come on you need some sleep." I nod and follow him back to our apartment. 

Over the next week, the circles under my eyes darken as I lose sleep. I sit at the small table in our apartment pouring over paperwork with the lights in the small kitchen on. I rub my eyes struggling to stay awake and finish this. Four and I were in charge of the initiates again this year and I had to look at their progress and figure out which ones would get cut. I hear footsteps on the stone floor of the apartment and I look up and see Four. He says, "Come to bed." I reply, "I'll be in in a minute." He shakes his head and says, "No you said that an hour ago." I blink at him sleepily and he comes closer crouches down to my level and says, "Come on. When was the last time you slept." I don't answer because I honestly don't know I stand up reluctantly and follow him to the bedroom where I fall on the bed and immediately fall asleep. 

The next morning I woke up to silence in the apartment. I shoot up from the bed and begin cursing under my breath as I rush to get clothes on and out the door to help train the initiates. I stumble out of the bedroom and into the kitchen where I see Four standing at the stove making breakfast. I look at him in disbelief before I practically shout, "What are we still doing here?" He says, "Relax the recruits are with Eric for the day." He says, "Sit." I take a seat at the table as he sets a plate in front of me and I look down to see that he made pancakes. I grab a fork and take a bite before I begin shoveling the food in. By the time Four sits at the table my plate is empty. I ask Four, "What are we doing today?" He looks at me and says, "You are not doing anything. You have been overworked and overwhelmed you need a day to relax." I nod, once breakfast is finished we clean the dishes and once I've put the last one away Four picks me up and puts me over his shoulder as I let out a shriek of laughter as he carries me through the apartment before setting me down on the bed. He starts smirking at me and before I can do anything he starts tickling me. I start laughing and squirming around on the bed and try to get out, "Stop." He does for a moment to say, "I will but only if you give me a kiss." I lean up and press my lips to his and we both smile into the kiss and when we pull away Four looks at me with a loving look and whispers out, "I love you." Before leaning down and capturing my lips in another kiss.     

Multi-Fandom ImaginesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora